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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. @The Bookwyrm @Nameless The first clue appeared. "I flow but I have no bank. What am I?"
  2. "You've killed mine." Wizard yells. "Though it was in a gladiator pit, so it was fair."
  3. The adventures reached a door with a puzzle infront to enter the room.
  4. I meant to say cosmere. But all that I put into the A.I. was the sentance.
  5. So exciting that they started exploding kittens afterwards. One with enough for all ninjas to play at once.
  6. Was the fall from about 1000 feet? Was it higher than 1000 feet? Was it lower.than 1000 feet?
  7. I've been messing around with an A.I. again And here's an alternate storyline It seems to know some stormlight terms. Such as a kandra-born assassin or Mraize the king of alethkar.
  8. They were prankster builders. But most people hired them, without knowing this.
  9. Alfonzo's Smedrey talent. I was trying to find something strange like the rest of the talents, but seemingly useless. "No, I won't." Whispers Alfonzo. "No, I won't" Alfonzo repeats louder. Alfonzo brushes the cat hair off using a specialized brush so he doesn't touch the document. "I must be off." Alfonzo leaves for the inner piles of archive.
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