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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "This is not the dragon." Whispers the wind. "It's body will resist the soul casting."
  2. A tendril grabs Thaidakar and drags him down the tunnel. The other tendrils start moving faster, clinging to other adventures to drag them into the cavern.
  3. Ivory riding on a black cat became real and the black cat transformed into a dragon.
  4. Did the person accidentially do someting, like push a button to kill him?
  5. Does the person who killed him regret killing him?
  6. Do you question how questionable this conversation is?
  7. I guess I'll go with this. Wizard watched the cat poo in the litterbox of a thousand possibilities. And then TLT shattered away.
  8. It can be fun, it's at least interesting TPBM wishes dragons were real.
  9. School hasn't started here yet. TPBM wishes for year round school
  10. Is the person who killed him far away? Is the person who killed him dead?
  11. And finally his intelligence was multiplied by taravangian's genius on that one transcendently brilliant day.
  12. Dark tendrils start slinking from the corridor and towards the adventure's legs. @Nameless @The Bookwyrm @Shining Silhouette @EmulatonStromenkiin @Thaidakar the Ghostblood
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