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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "That won't be necessary." The Last Krakitrice summons Alcatraz's body and turns him into a million breath lifeless and uses his connection to subdue the power to break things and throws Alcatraz and his world back where they belong and reclaims the used breath, while sealing the crack.
  2. "I was ambushed by it and needed a safe place to strike back at it. It has grown mighty after Alcatraz was killed."
  3. "Because we don't want to die. Besides I have to do what you say, remember." Growls the Last Krakitirce.
  4. He ran right into the invisible wall and the dragon's trap. Thaidakar became incased in invisible walls and his invisible room was levitated to the place of next meal in the dragon's cave.
  5. The three waring races also appearing the Nameless's house. The Eizards, the ghanderflaffles, and the Selfrednags. "The world has been destroyed, except for here." Responds the Last Krakitrice.
  6. A tremedously terrifying sounds starts eminating from the cave. Twin sounds in harmony, in fact.
  7. The wyrd around starts to go crazy and the Last Krakitrice appears inside Nameless's house.
  8. Bones crack and a slurping sound eminates from the cave. "Do you sing little supper? Can you here the dinner song?"
  9. Streams of flame come from the cave. Followed by the tortured screams of a king and his followers. Their bones crackle and snap.
  10. And so with the death of Kaladin, came the death of the cosmere and the death of Alcatraz, because he had made everything cosmere.
  11. The talent cracked as Kaladin's soul reforged itself better than ever, as he had sworn the fifth ideal.
  12. Nugget grinned. "The sack is expansive is it not." Nugget shifted into Ember. "I always love to play poker." Meanwhile outside the sack a melodic voice calls. "Come in, come in, I can smell you and your fear out there."
  13. It was a good think that Alcatraz had broken Dominion as now no one could be dominated by anyone else. Alcatraz became a accidental hero, once again.
  14. Nugget pokes his head out and pulls Thaidakar into the sack. "They are trying to free Wizard's twin sister who is The Speakk who was locked away in the basement long ago. I am also Wizard's and his twin's dog who shares a body with their cat. It's rather complicated, but these adventures are trying to seperate Wizard's twin from the nethergrim who she bonded and that is why she became The Speakk. Any questions?"
  15. "We're about to reach the dragon's den. So I have to go into the sack." "'Come in, come in.' Said king Bidgood. "Today you die in the tub." Hisses a melodic voice.
  16. Next he took Autonomy and became the autonomous shard of war. He had the best army of them all, led by Dalinar Kholin.
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