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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Medea continued to get closer and closer to Elan until her flickering tongue tickled his chin. "Be quiet Spirit or I'll remove you."
  2. She smiled a sly smile at him. "Wouldn't you like to rule the world? To be the hero of the people?"
  3. "Oh, okay," she says with a sly smile obviously not believing his intent not to woo her. "I'm just confused about how I feel about her."
  4. She looks at him bemused. "Okay, but if you're trying to woo me, you'll have to try harder.
  5. "Yeah, someone might have seen her." She smiles slightly, "hard to miss her in that gorgeous fiery dress." She blushed fiercely, "sorry." The gun slowly lowers to Anna's side.
  6. "Good, good," purred Emma her violet eyes staring into Elan's soul. "So, Medea do you have the information on the riots?" Medea's head shot up, her tail caressing Elan's back. "Yess, the people don't sseem to like Madam Pressident or the gamess very much. There'ss a rebellion sstarting and gaining much momentum in the people but sshee will prevail againsst it as all currently sstandss." @Ookla the Believer
  7. "Not unless he harms you. There's been too much of that going on lately."
  8. The Secret Room GM HQ Emma smiled as the others filled in, dresses swishing. But that quickly fell as she realized there was one who wasn't one of her daughters there. "Why is he here?" "Becausse I thought he could be ussefull," hissed Medea in reply. "And if anything goess ssouth. Zira can alwayss eat him." Emma nodded slowly, she didn't like it but well she'd have to see where this went. She'd never thought Medea would do such a thing, but then she did like her playthings. "Okay so you all know why we're here, right?" She pointedly looked at Elan jr. @Ookla the Believer @Ookla the Prehistoric
  9. "I think he thinks I'm going to shoot him," whispers Anna. (That's her mom's name )
  10. It was @Ookla thePresentParticiple @Ookla the Yellow Sock
  11. @Ookla the Resolute @Ookla the Believer A revolver appears in her hand and she points it at Richard. "Stop right there until I know you're friendly."
  12. Happy birthday Louts you amazing human and writer!!!! 

    1. Lotus Blossom

      Lotus Blossom

      thank you so much ravennn <33

    2. The Wandering Wizard
    3. Lotus Blossom

      Lotus Blossom


      i actually remember thinking to myself abt that.

      ookla season is confusing >:{

      well then thank you wizzyy :P 

  13. Well yes but like say one is going to die before the others and they know it is coming. Like say a terminal disease or something.
  14. It might be fun if some characters knew of their impending doom but still fell for someone
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