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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Wizard grabbed Nameless and took him to the top of the clinic to keep him from the basement, and.. The Speakk.
  2. "I will have to heal his physical injuries now." Wizard puts his hands on Nameless's forehead and channels Saidin, weaving a complex pattern of healing.
  3. "This will unfortunately last from a day to a week. Fortunately I have lots of horneater white for Nameless." Wizard holds up a jug and hands it to Nameless.
  4. Wizard summons a chair and forces Nameless into the chair. "This is going to hurt, I'm afraid, but there will be lots of horneater white for you at the end. Wizard's black aura flashes into view and a presence is forced out from Nameless and into the darkness.
  5. Wizard reappears. "I hate that thing, reminds me of some other creatures I've sealed away before." Wizard shudders. "Doesn't make it easier though."
  6. "You can't kill me." Cackles the wind. "You must say that word to destroy me!"
  7. "FINE." Clicks the voice. "BUT ANY THAT COME SHALL HAVE TO CONTINUE. YOU WILL NOT HAVE THE POWER TO INTERCEDE NEXT TIME." Bookwyrm, Nameless, and Silhouette are ejected from the basement. Wizard appears and enters the basement to seal the creature away... again.
  8. And they slam into the wall. "THEY ARE MINE. THEY HAVE GIVEN THEMSELVES UP TO THE TRIAL." Responds a voice from the darkness.
  9. The creatures start moving faster, faster than their syrupy movements a few seconds earlier.
  10. The creatures smell three meals as Silhouette falls into the group. The creatures raise their hackles and hiss like a snake and start the hunt.
  11. He walks right into a den of creatures that once killed split into two, one that can fly and one that can run fast. The creatures start piling out by the thousands.
  12. THAT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE IN THE PREPATORY MAZE writes the wall. The floor falls out from Bookwyrm and he is dropped into the next maze.
  13. ALL YOU NEED WILL BE PROVIDED TO YOU, EXCEPT YOUR WITS, writes the wall. And he smacks into the ceiling.
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