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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. As the blade connects with the wall a force ripples through the wall and it starts glowing with arcane symbols. The blade is thrown back from the wall.
  2. The hallway starts slamming closed and forces Bookwyrm and Silhouette forward.
  3. A power latches onto Bookwyrm and Silhouette and yanks them further into the darkness.
  4. A myriad of voices hiss. "Stay away." "No come in. It has been years since we have had a new challenger." "NO leave and do not return." "Past this point is the point of no return. Turn away"
  5. "You're welcome. I have done what I can. The purple tint should disappear eventually. If not, come to me and I will explain what it means." Wizard disappears into the stacks.
  6. "I guess there is no other way." Wizard's illusion around his left hand fades and a hook appears in the place of his hand. Wizard rotates his hook counter clockwise a few times, then clockwise, and finally in a complex sequence of patterns and heals Shining Silhouette. A dark aura crackles around Wizard as he walks away.
  7. "I have some stormlight." Replies Wizard as he pushes the gemstone into Shining Silhouette's hands.
  8. "Yeah, I might have messed with it and it now spits out horneater white." Sheepishly admits Wizard.
  9. "You're welcome." Wizard then sneezes and flames jump from his nostrils and destroy the sign. "That hasn't happened before." Remarked Wizard.
  10. "Well @CalanoCorvus. We got rich offerings for Elantris in the form of @Luckspren, @WindjoggerTriggerhappy, and @SymphonianBookworm. Also I might have shown Nameless how to channel Saidin through an Honorblade. And there is still a sign for you're birthday hanging up. I think that's all that you missed."
  11. Mind blown You can never write to much my friend. Always a pleasure to read them, always a pleasure.
  12. I would guess that a faction has a(n) ability that allows for a hidden vote. Edit: Nevermind.
  13. "That oil, might have some unintended side effects, as I... um... harvested... it..."
  14. All the rest of the sith and lightsabers fell from the sky, blanketing the land.
  15. A sith lightsaber fell in from of Nameless, along with the lightsaber's owner.
  16. They were using the recently discovered, actual, real, Nameless Jawbone. That was lost a few pages before.
  17. And a corruption of all jedi into sith. Using the dark sith artifact, Nameless's Jawbone.
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