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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "It's like that." Called Wizard. "It has a mind of it's own. Usually helpfull, but also not at times." The fireworks fired off and the hallways filled with light.
  2. Meanwhile the jedi were being corrupted by a newly found, extremely powerful sith artifact.
  3. Wizard appeared and pulled out his cello, challenging the a Cellist to a cello duel.
  4. It took me a little bit to find that strategy and a few tries to execute it without dying.
  5. Coiled Nail, Shade soul, desolate dive, howling wraiths, all three nail arts, quick focus, longnail, throns of agony, and nailmaster's glory. And I just stumbled upon the watcher knights.
  6. Does that sight not disturb you? AHHHHHH, MY EYES. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BEAUTIFUL EYES!
  7. I can kind of read, for a male alethi. I can also predict when the storms will come through MATH.
  8. Favorite breed of cat? Favorite breed of dog? Favorite breed of bunny?
  9. Favorite breed of cat? Favorite breed of dog? Favorite breed of bunny? What do you think about trees?
  10. The sith pull out their corrupted jedi artifacts and empower their enemies with the power of spaghetti.
  11. How do you wish to subvert I am Moana? NO LIMIT TO PROTECTION SERVICES!?!?!?!?
  12. The problem was, he was one that the sith converted, by the use of silly string.
  13. So the sith switched sides as the Ghanderflaffles had many that could be nudged onto the path of the sith.
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