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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. *hugs massively* I too have no words just wishes I wish most dearly. That I could be someone in person who could see you. And that my blindness would not keep me from truly seeing you.
  2. *returns the hug tenfold* They are not my words I believe but thank you, dear sister
  3. Blindness So yeah, that came out...and I'm finally done just stalking this corner *hugs everyone* I honestly think you all are wonderful in your own ways and I'm going to meet you all one day.
  4. @The Halcyon Girl @Ookla the Quesadilla Personally, I think Heath are the best!
  5. Lilyana blushed but calmed it down. "So where do you want to search first? Her mom just hugged her tightly back. "Who's there! Reveal yourself or I will force you too. @Ookla the Believer
  6. "I'm sorry Edaline. I..i don't know what to say."
  7. "Oh Eddie. I'm here now. What exactly happened?" Her mom continues to just hold her daughter.
  8. Her mom squeezed her tightly. "Oh, my darling little girl. Mommies got you now."
  9. A woman in a brilliant sapphire blue gown appeared. "What is it my little flame?"
  10. The delver seemed stunned by what this little pinprick of noise was doing. Didn't it know it was loud and needed to be extinguished? The delver leaned in towards her.
  11. The creature easily kept pace with the sharp turns of the ship. It seemed almost alive in how it moved, and it seemed to have a sixth sense for where the ship was going to go. GMHQ Medea grew tired of their games. Part of her wished she had been made as her sister, to feast on the foolish humans. Afterall they were just meant to die to those which evolved to prey on them. Yet they were resourceful, so she stayed loyal to her mother for now. But now, now was some time to have some fun. She pressed down on the largest button, the kind you only pressed if you wanted to kill something. She smiled, a cruel thing with fangs bared in pleasure at the suffering she was going to cause. Suddenly her image appeared in front of all the tributes. "Oooooooh tributess! I think it'ss time we had ssome fun." The image of the mechanical tiger popped up next to her. "Thiss is one of my mother's darling babiess. And we've just upgraded them." Suddenly the tiger's eyes began glowing a brilliant bright white. "Or more accurately, we've let our little delver friendsss upgrade them. Ssso have fun with our cytonic blood hound tigerssss. Toodle doo!" The image winked out and Medea's grin grew and she hissed to herself. "Well well well, sssoon it will be over. And all their little gamess will be done. Sssoon the plan will work, ssoon." @Ookla the Lotus @Ookla the Believer @Ookla the Prehistoric @Ookla the Pastry
  12. Lilyana impulsively reached down and grasped Aster's hand, blushing furiously. "Y-yeah let's go check there."
  13. "Together we'll find out what happened," smiled Lilyana at Aster.
  14. "No...I was just crying alone and then everything was on fire."
  15. She pulls Aster into a hug. "Really I am glad to have you as the wonderful friend you are."
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