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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. If a mistborn burned duralumin and then chromium would it be enough to drain the stormlight as normal chromium wouldn't be enough.
  2. "Oh very well." Wizard cuts the connection to the nearest star and instead goes to the rock room.
  3. Here are the explosions you preordered, sir!!!! Ko!oss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Meanwhile a unstoppable Shagaru Magala entered the thread and started destroying everything, while fulfilling @The Bookwyrm's narrating.
  5. Can anyone else make sense of Ta'veren Kaladin's sentance?
  6. The one where I had a twin sister. Favorite cosmere term?
  7. "Doctor Calano said it was in his personal dimension, so where ever that is."
  8. "You're wrong as I want to see where this is going." Replied Wizard while strengthening the connection to the nearest star.
  9. Do you think Shagaru magala or Malzeno sounds more dangerous?
  10. "There are already many weapons capable of rendering worlds just lying around. They are left by those who resided here before and died, just be warry of anything you find."
  11. The elimination of Wizard failed and Eof was destined to always fail to kill narrators as they just refused to stay dead.
  12. Wizard fixed the table and took back the axe of sundering. "I think it was time I stopped letting you use this." The Axe of Sundering disappears.
  13. "That doesn't work on weapons." Laughs Wizard as he appears while twirling the Axe of Sundering.
  14. This actually worked and EoF cried, because it had been the first time one of his plans had actually worked.
  15. "You just imagine what you want and you have it. I've given him one very powerful artifact, but I've now reclaimed it." Replied Wizard's voice.
  16. "Yes, but I have ascended now and am under the control of no one." Replied Eof, while breaking the laws of TLT.
  17. "I was only giving @HOID WANTS INSTANT NOODLES what he desired." Responded the clinic.
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