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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Dead shardblade. Favorite word or idea to bring up in conversations, besides the idea of the cosmere.
  2. Being killed by someone who knows nothing about you.
  3. Did you know they made a stormlight version of it? I also own that game. Reading Easiest Video Game?
  4. Welcome to the shard! What's your favorite sanderson book?
  5. The ghanderflaffles were amazed that their experiment had worked and they threw a massive ball.
  6. My favorite compounding is steel or gold, mostly steel.
  7. Oh how Halidron the Happy salivated himself, nearly to starvation, in those early years of captivity.
  8. He wanted some of the delicious food the ghanderflaffles were forcing him to watch them eat.
  9. "Yes and some of the original religion survived." Meanwhile, Halidron the Happy was not very happy.
  10. Welcome to the shard! What is your favorite twinborn combination?
  11. "What do you mean? No one can steal it if the legs of the foosball table are fused to the ground. As well as the table not being moved during play, due to unforseen circumstances."
  12. "I'm afraid there is no exit." Replied the automated system. Wizard appears, "sorry about that. The A.I. system is in the early stages of development. I'll, uh, remove the foosball table from the wall." The table removes itself from the wall and melds into the floor.
  13. "Yellow-purple! You enormous potato red-panda cheesy half-wit, you'd better stop drinking dragon pee, or the sparkly Witherlord might just end another deadly mercury-and-uranium soup inhalation by exploding while flying and eating chartreuse rocket Humboldt penguins!" Screamed Darth Geronimo Stilton at Butt Ad Venture while fishing for Darthenshmirtz Smedry, who's Grandpa Smedry's great Grandfather Venture.
  14. Proof: Things like to explode in the cosmere Theory: Odium caused the chasm line
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