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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Now I know I need a assassin viewpoint in my book, somewhere. This is now my favorite one.
  2. Not anymore. I think that it is logical as I will probably feel like that in a year-ish. TPBM hasn't been around for ookla season.
  3. Why aren't you distrurbed by a bunch of strangers appearing on your doorstep, only talking in questions, Anybody?
  4. That is quite true as his books are really good. TPBM has watched clone wars.
  5. @EmulatonStromenkiin your response posted like seven times.
  6. I recently found that there are two other brandon sanderson fans in the stake that I live in that I didn't know about. This was through youth conference, which was a amazing experience and we had fun speaking gibberish near other people, talking about sanderson, or should I say gibletish.
  7. Wizard pulled out his secret copy and started reading hoid's backstory for the 500th time.
  8. The Krakitrice converted him to his side and learned how the hulk used his power.
  9. I can confirm that all the demo quests are master rank as teteranadon has new attacks that it didn't have before. Malzeno kicked my butt rather fast. It's first form is more regal and it becomes very vampiric looking in it's second form. Edit: I can now confirm that all the new monsters are fought as master rank quests, along with the usual monsters, but the daimyo hemitaur is fought as a high rank quest 7 star after narwa the thunder serpent and beating the daimyo hemitaur gives you access to the outpost and master rank quests. The quest courier does have all the gathering hub quests from low rank to high rank that you would have already completed or those that you haven't yet. @Eluvianii.
  10. "Including Hoid's life story, but that was destroyed by Nameless." Wizard lowers his voice. "There is a legend of a second secret copy hidden in this library. Carry a bowl of instant noodles into the library on the first of octember and all will be revealed."
  11. This resulted in the single remaining Krakitrice absorbing their radiation and turning huge and green.
  12. "OUT," thundered Wizard and the lamas obeyed. "Welcome to the insanity clinic Joe. As you can see this is about normal and we have a library that includes all books that will ever be written. I am here to welcome you as the head of the insanity clinic is gone for now. Your room will be ready shortly and will have full access to the fabrinet and a hologram computer. @HOID WANTS INSTANT NOODLES
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