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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Butt Venture bid the souls of Rayse, Taravangian, Bavadin, Hoid, Kelsier, and the Lord Ruler.
  2. Butt Venture bid all of his family except his cousin Elend Venture and his wife.
  3. Butt Venture bid twenty three black cats and a way to stop the cabbage nation from taking over the world.
  4. Filch opened the closet. "What the," sputtered Filch. "Alright I'm taking you to the headmaster." He grabbed Thaidakar by the ear and pulled him to the headmaster.
  5. I only see one now but your callsign sentance posted above my second option and below it. It's not there anymore now, strange.
  6. If we have to go by first letter well Callsign: Mario @Robin Sedai your sentance posted twice.
  7. It is quite fun and one of the few games I can beat my dad consistently besides Mario Kart.
  8. This place only runs on the will of Lord Fadran. So he would have to appoint Nameless to haggis quartermaster.
  9. I'm suprised no one has taken this Callsign: Wizard
  10. The cabbages were winning the war as UCOWCFTLT had defoliation, but the cabbages were immune to defoliation. It was a dark day for all who are not plants.
  11. I did that to my brother but he doesn't like to talk about the books he reads.
  12. Professor Wizard sat down and started roasting some popcorn. "I should probably stop this duel, but I never read the handbook as I had too many other books to read instead," thinks Proffessor Wizard. "This however will be more fun than if I stopped it."
  13. Nope, it would be fun though. NHIE kicked a cat intentionally.
  14. Take it out so it doesn't sneeze in my pocket. What would you do if you found two cats in your pocket?
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