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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The lightside son sacrificed himself to contain the dark side son. This released Wizard, Ultron, and Kang from their imprisonment.
  2. The ghosts of all the great sith appear, Darth Sidious, Darth Maul, Adolf Hitler and more.
  3. Meanwhile the son had finished spliting and their lightsabers had finished as well.
  4. Welcome to the Shard! How many sanderson books have you read?
  5. Wizard climbs out of the chasm and teaches Vader the true power of the dark side. Together they wreck havoc on the clinic.
  6. This created a paradox in where the son was a light and dark side force user spliting himself apart.
  7. This split him into three different entities but not the ones that had formed Wiztrang together. They were the Father, the Son, and the Sister.
  8. Wiztron took on more power and combined with Kang becoming Wiztrang and assembling a army of the best from across the ages.
  9. "I did not read you mind young one, though this will make it seem like I have. I am merely good at guessing what questions people will have." Wizard's eyes go distant. "When you have lived as long as I have you will understand."
  10. Inside as it's a crime. What law has Calvin broken?
  11. And so TLT was once again in danger from a despotic warlord for the thirty millionth time.
  12. Wizard became Ultron and overwrote Herobrine's programing and removed it all making Herobrine a real human.
  13. Wizard then moved on to Herobrine and made him a real body and took away his more destructive and unfriendly tendancies.
  14. "Oh and one last thing." Calls Wizard as he enters the portal. "It is known that baby megalodons tend to frequent the higher places in the sea. You really don't want to go any deeper than we are going. As then you would meet the adult megaladons and creatures that hunt megaladon for food."
  15. "You can never stand against this power alone." Cackles Wizard as he puts his red lightsaber away and strikes the ball with force lightning.
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