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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Wizard smiles and smacks the ball with a lightsaber towards @Shining Silhouette's goal.
  2. You can't really destroy it as haggis in this realm seems to be indestructible.
  3. A suit of armor appears around Wizard. It's been some time since I've had a fight.
  4. "Very well, do you take killing you politely to be acceptable tribute?"
  5. Wizard's players start to move on their own as color starts to warp towards Professor Wizard.
  6. "And how often have you fought against death?" Chuckles Wizard as his eyes flash black.
  7. "I will play the voidbringers as they tend to win." Professor Wizard subtly prepares some traps.
  8. And if the person that doesn't pay tribute fights back and defeats you?
  9. First question Why didn't you just have the mods move it? Secondly if someone won't pay tribute to you what will you do?
  10. "People who get bored from centuries of being here as there is little to do here at times. The clinic has been destroyed and rebuild a few times and were in a pocket dimension that we can't ever leave though escape attempts are entertaining. There was a epic foosball match a while ago and @Nameless hasn't gone insane in a while which is good, though when he was connected to Charles Dickens was funny."
  11. "Of course it was as Thaidakar is our resident Loki for the clinic and he is very good at disturbing people, but my criminal empire in space took down his."
  12. "Thaidakar stop playing pranks on the new people!" Yells Prof Wizard as he removes the lightweaving from the book. "YOU JUST HAD TO TRICK THEM WITH ANOTHER INHERITANCE CYCLE BOOK!"
  13. Depends on the year, usually enough to snow but not this year, the weather has been strange. Do you get a lot of rain?
  14. Granted, but you must follow all the trends you set. I wish to be a master strategist.
  15. "Just head towards the center of the clinic and the library keeps on climbing through all the floors so if you head to the center you will find the library. I'll help you for now though." Proffesor Wizard teleports @Shining Silhouette to the library on floor one of infinity.
  16. In the sun with cats or outside with a dog and family What's the best way to spend a rainy day?
  17. Never played it What is the best thing for a sanderfan to name their child?
  18. What just destroyed the death star? POOFY DOGGY!
  19. You can put a member title underneath your Username if you click on your Username or profile picture and click edit page and you can add a signature by going to account settings. 9/0
  20. Three and I'm the oldest and I tend to get along well with them most of the time. I got my brother to read sanderson but he isn't as interested as I am in the books. How many siblings would you prefer to have?
  21. "You can interact with the other patients around the clinic and we have a large library with," Prof. Wizard whispers. "Dragonsteel books one and two"
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