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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. *snoteth* ...whoops typoo means you get uhhhhhhhh (?)
  2. *hugs* It is beautiful Rue and terribly terribly sad
  3. The forest had sprung up behind her, now completely dense everywhere. The forest seemed to want to force her through the narrow pathway encircled by vines
  4. The quiet intensifies as she heads towards the ship, as does the density of the jungle. As she wanders closer she is faced by a massive tangle of vines that seem to slither and move of their own accord.
  5. The call reverberates through the forest, echoed by each monkey. Feral calls sound through the forest, the roar of tigers and growling of bears intermingled in the forest. The ugly rasp of hissing and buzzing followed. And something else...something unidentifiable that sent cold and quiet rushing through the forest, making it silent again. @TheRavenHasLanded @Aeoryi @DefiantAllomancer
  6. 1000 posts!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      I don’t really post on here much, do i

    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      It depends where you post. Forum games don't count nor do SUs or SU replies. So you probably have a lot more posts than you think.

    4. The Paradoxical Phenomenon
  7. The tiger refuses to be cut and Eddie tumbles into Endless darkness.
  8. "Yes tis I Kris Kringle! Potato chip supreme! And I am selling my services as a shoulder angel!"
  9. Today I got rather sick and I've been miserable. And well the thought has come, well what if this is my ending for now? It likely isn't and I'll recover just fine. But in contemplating it I found peace and comfort and joy for what I have had so far in this wonderful life. And I said a prayer and tried to sleep but I was too sick and my thoughts started arranging into a poem. And this is what I believe as a poem. And I hope this helps whoever is reading it, to turn to God for help or peace or whatever help you need.



    When we are stripped and beaten to death

    There is a loving heavenly father and older brother

    Who have a plan, far greater than imagination 

    To heal our wounded bodies and souls 


    They both know, our every pain, our every heartache

    They know we long to be home

    The Father has woven a wonderful plan

    For all of us to return to our sweet home in heaven

    A plan that allows for our choices and actions

    And yet, allows all of us to return to his love.


    The father asked and the Son said:

     “I will. Thy will be done, not mine.”

    He gave up his life for us

    So that he might know as the father does

    All of our pains and weaknesses

    And how to bring us peace when we're wounded and left for dead

    He knows how to turn weakness into strengths, trials into blessings, tears into healing, lonely nights into comfort, pain into increased love for others, and us into something beautiful


  10. The dagger vanishes right after it leaves her hands. The tiger just watched her curiously.
  11. The tiger goes and sits on Eddie.
  12. A happy chip appeared. His name was Kris Kringle. @The Halcyon Girl @Kajsa :) @Wittles of Shinovar @Shining Silhouette @The Aspiring Archivist
  13. "Okay." This time the tiger swatted an Elan several hundred miles to see what would happen.
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