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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "It would do INTERSTING things to say the least of which would include turning on the automatic chortle juice sprinklers that would put out fires and put you in a coma for a week, but would seem about 1,000 years of being covered in color. Ask @Sequence about her experience with chortle juice and the color it makes."
  2. Ice cream in summer What's your favorite thing to do that annoys your siblings?
  3. "Just look for the signs that got covered in luminous dragon pe- I MEAN CHORTLE JUICE I MEANT CHORTLE JUICE!"
  4. "They are made with new fabrial mechanics, so there may be unexpected problem." Professor Wizard walks away and calls back "Wait I forgot, DO NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCE STRIKE IT WITH DOMINIUM!"
  5. "You are in the insanity clinic for maladies related to Brandonfandomitis. Your room will be upgraded with a Hologram computer and tv connected to the fabrinet pending review from @CalanoCorvus." Replied Professor Wiz.
  6. You're not on trial so of course your not grindewald. I would like to join this club and learn uno reverse the right way.
  7. Sleeping What is your favorite thing that you have invented in real life or imaginary?
  8. Wizard made Random Fellow a room, "I hope it's to your liking and if not then just tell on of the staff and they will change it for you." Wizard protected the fabrinet from dominium and the hologram flickered back to life in full color.
  9. I get that too so when I get bored in BotW I go and raid the castle as it isn't too much of a challenge. I will replay a link between worlds but I have a hard time replaying Majora's Mask even though it's my favorite because I know where everything is.
  10. Welcome to the shard. Say... your not actually going to eat us are you Fenrir? Jk Now for a serious question what's your favorite book?
  11. Nope, but I saw atleast 5-10 yesterday TPBM has never had a garage sale
  12. Anyone else having a hard time replaying Zelda games after you complete them? My favorite is Majora's Mask and I am hyped for BotW2.
  13. "Airsick Lowlanders, not putting away tools when they need to." Wizard transfers the dominum to Random Fellow's room. The computer flicks back on and Wizard continues working on it.
  14. When one of the twelve apostles came out and then we went and helped clean up down in Kansas to help those who had been flooded. A LOT of people came out and I just enjoy serving others. I still have the helping hands shirt somewhere. What is your favorite service to give to others?
  15. eggplant parmesan (my dad made it and it didn't taste good, but it helped me learn that I can't smell). Would you accept a cookie offered to you?
  16. I can handle most spicy foods, so yes Do you eat whole lemons?
  17. Would you summon this to protect a village though?
  18. YES! The person below me protects a village by slaughtering monsters
  19. Wafflism is a religion (fake) that was started by Nameless to spread our love of waffles to all and was created because chortlism was too focused on chortles and not waffles. Is it true though? jk 9/10 Not any that I can think of right now.
  20. No, no guilt over reading books Favorite classic board game?
  21. Wizard powers on the fabrinet and turns on his hologram computer. "Hah, they said it wouldn't work, airsick lowlanders."
  22. Waffles are delicious and pancakes are only fair.
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