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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. What is a controversial topic? What does this little box do? *Opens it*
  2. Butt fell unconcious at this as he knew of no passage ways under the stairs.
  3. Butt was even more confused as he saw "I think you understand what I mean."
  4. What do you think the newest legendaries are going to be? The ones from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
  5. Butt was confused as he though Link had said "I only need this one sword to clear a path through your stomach."
  6. Dragapult is the newest pseudo legendary pokemon
  7. Butt tried to explain with hand gestures why he needed the sword but instead said...
  8. Dragapult is one of the better new pokemon.
  9. I have a uncharted book that I play songs from and I also play some star wars music on my cello. I play different songs on the piano, mostly themes from the legend of zelda, Cruela Devil, and I can go the distance. Just a side note that it is generally frowned upon to double post and you can edit your previous post if you have something else to say before someone else posts. Do you know which album that is in as I can't remember exactly?
  10. I HAVE IT IT'S LUCARIO ISN'T IT! Lucario is a great pokemon.
  11. Butt communicates with uncoordinated hand gestures saying "I meant to do it because I dislike you." He really had meant to say "I didn't mean to do it and I'm sorry."
  12. Welcome to the Shard! I also play the cello and piano. Have you heard of the Piano Guys?
  13. Probably as long as you hold to your earlier agrement.
  14. The final boss was awesome. Butt jumped in fright to the top of the Deku tree.
  15. This is a forum game for pokemon lovers based off of the mystery pokemon that the show has in the middle of each episode. I will go first and who ever can guess the pokemon correctly will get to go next. 1. This pokemon is a dragon type
  16. @Boomerang Guy Is it one of the starters? Do you think they ruined litten's final evolution and it should have become a massive tiger?
  17. I just like how dragon pokemon look like and they are more versatile than some other types for how I play. Pikachu I would have to guess.
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