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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The Great War of Roach or GWoR lasted many spider and cockroach lives or about ten seconds in human time.
  2. Wizard disappears and then reappears with a legion of spiders. "There is your food," he points at the cockroaches. "Now you may feast."
  3. "Because Random Fellow burned the building down or was it Frustration trying to kill the chickens that destroyed the building? I think it was frustration performing nuclear fission that destroyed the building. Here's dragonsteel if you want it." Replied Wizard.
  4. Do you feel better than you did earlier? On a scale of cat to khezu rate how much you hate being sick What is your other favorite bird besides a crow or raven? What creature would you be from brandon sanderson's cosmere series if you could be one?
  5. As the group walked up the hill Wizard looked back and started counting the enemy numbers while absently turning the river back into lava.
  6. Wizard drew the symbols faster than the bugs could gnaw and disappeared to read in peace.
  7. Favorite MH weapon? Did you know there was a MH thread? TLT (The longest thread) and TLPW (The last post wins). Which will win? Creature as anything that isn't human from shades to kandra to chasamfiends and more, just mostly non-human. So if you could be any creature in from sanderson's cosmere series which creature would you be?
  8. Wizard put his hand on Thaidakar's shoulder absorbing his power. "I'll take that until you are more responsible." Wizard teleports away before Thaidakar can do anything.
  9. The other narrators had friends from the other side that blocked the attempts by Thaidakar.
  10. Wizard curled his left hand into a hook and make a complex pattern completely evaporating the bugs.
  11. This failed as more narrators were strengthening the connection then breaking it.
  12. I think that question would better go in my AMA , but I just start creating a list of questions like small preferences or books, movies, or video games. Some I'm not sure. @CalanoCorvus Foursquare or soccer? Swiming, Biking, or hiking? I killed a few khezu today are you glad there are less khezu in the world?
  13. I have won longer than you and this will never beat TLT
  14. Wizard became bowser and started sucking all the bugs in for mario and luigi to defeat.
  15. Wizard hums along to the tune. It had been, what a few centuries? No it had been a couple millennia since he had heard such a song.
  16. Wizard started experimenting, I wonder what would happen if I made a volcano and it got over everywhere. Wizard created a baking soda volcano that explosively squirted luminous dragon pee everywhere turning everyone differnet colors.
  17. "It is now luminous dragon pee as I created a drink of my own invention and combined it with luminous glowing soup to make a very tasty and colorful drink. Here is a sip." Wizard hands Foklasfag a cup with one drop in it.
  18. "Most aren't that interesting, but some are really intersting as I have already finished the whole cosmere and the WoT if it had been finished by Robert Jordan."
  19. "@Lunamor I think this drink will sell quite well."
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