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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "The one of you that was like the complete opposite of you."
  2. "The o-other you-u," hiccups Lilyana behind tears. Though joy or sadness or fear or whatever she didn’t know.
  3. The memories rushed back to her, snapping back like a electrical shock. Blasting through her and blasting off her feet, filling her head with immense pain. Four words lingered in her head. I will always win
  4. The voice growled, refusing to let go. Lilyana looks up from the floor. "Eddie?" Lilyana gave him a hug, through still tear stained eyes, barely outlined by the faintest shadow of hope.
  5. *hugs all* I'm a bit tired too. And I want you all to know that I think you're incredible young women and that you're all going to do amazing things.
  6. Of course daughter. Let me gather my power and try.
  7. I...I don’t know my sweet daughter. I...I really really don't know. Crying flows through the link to her. I'm really sorry that she might be gone for forever. Lilyana cried more at her only seemingly now real friend being gone.
  8. Oh I'm so sorry my little flame. Is it her or a different her?
  9. To your friend Lils? Isn't that where you ended up?
  10. I...I'm not sure. Confusion flowed to her. I honestly can't tell...strange.
  11. Hehe it's very hard to stop reading xD And you can always post your thoughts after a few chapters. Doesn't have to be everyone
  12. Well you @SmilingPanda19 and @The Halcyon Girl All agree so...it must be I guess xD
  13. "...horrible," finished Lilyana for her, still sniffling. "Just completely awful."
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