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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Granted. You can't control where they appear on your body and they appear in different places each time. I wish to be a iron misting
  2. Thank you @Trutharchivist and I do posses some silver. Wizard pulls out a handful of silver coins, "these are all that I have, so we're dead."
  3. "Their foul, fetid stench flies on the wind and we must get moving. Across the stream of lava we must cross." Wizard motions to the right. "We must head that way to find another gateway."
  4. "I'm afraid you have underestimated me," Wizard replies as he pulls out his long sword. "Your servants won't kill me the shades will."
  5. Take it to Chaos and get it solved What would you do if you found Yertle the turtle in your pocket?
  6. "I'm afraid we will both be dead in seconds as the shades are growing red eyes."
  7. Granted. You must always be extremely hot or cold. I wish to have masterballs to catch the pokemon.
  8. We eat food at a orchestra final What weapon be most proficent at? What is your favorite medieval weapon? What is your favorite MH weapon? Do you like obscure questions? Favorite board game? Risk or Stratego? Running out of questions for now
  9. 42 What should people be sentanced to prison for life for saying?
  10. I take a long time to fall asleep to. What do you think a orchestra final would look like? What is your favorite role play that you didn't start? What is your favorite instrument? How inquisitive are you on a scale of 1-10 Favorite video game? Favorite app? Are you tired of me asking you questions? Would you rather Kung fu panda was real or How to train your dragon? Marvel or DC? What Marvel character would you be if you could? Favorite Marvel character? What animal would you be? Strangest creature you've ever seen? Would you be a cat, bird, or dog?
  11. "Not quite certain, but I believe it to be pure iron so eat it if you want." "We're in a shadowrealm of course were not safe," laughed Wizard.
  12. Granted. You are now on the SP 4 planet I wish for pokemon to be real.
  13. *Houses explode in the distance* I am your father
  14. Grammatical error cannot compute What do you think of Luke and Leia?
  15. Come with me into this Dark alley as we have croissants and totally not spiked cookies. When you see a Khezu
  16. "You can't eat the hook Quarkbeast as it is a part of me," sighed Wizard. "You can however have this ancient piece of metal that I found centuries ago."
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