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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Welcome to the shard! Who is your favorite character?
  2. Irrelevant made the hardtack irrelevant and gave him a five course meal instead.
  3. "I am fine, just death as always makes me weep." Wizard dries his eyes, "though our foe now knows us to be here making our mission harder, more intersing, or fun depending on how you look at our situation."
  4. "Hmm." Wizard told his Eizard servants to put Thaidakar into a bed to rest, "for he might be asleep for a while."
  5. "Dog-men of ancient times. They have the head of a jackal and the bottom half of a human." Replies Wizard as he turns one fourth in flames, another fourth into crystals, a fourth into dust, and a fourth into water.
  6. "Would you like to join my team. I am looking for resourceful people to join such as yourself."
  7. Wizard takes a bit from the arch and studies it. "These are no fake bones." "Yes we do just walk through." As Wizard replies a legion of anpu come through the door.
  8. Wizard caught the fist and threw Thaidakar into the center of the Ghanderflaffle empire.
  9. "Sometimes surviving is the worst part of life. We must get moving soon as this Shadowrealm is a high traffic area for most creatures that live in these realms." Wizard starts heading for the crystalin bone arch. "Through here we must go."
  10. "In a place where fools set things on fire and men mess things up," replied Nynaeve as she left. "You are in the clinic library most likely as that is where most people are," replied the air. Wizard starts reading 10 books at once
  11. Use it to save you from Wayne and then use it in self defense if I'm a allomancer otherwise find a way to use a powerful magnet to automatically spin the barrels WWYDIYF Nightblood in your pocket?
  12. There is one other person that already has... Wayne.
  13. Turn it too many times and get sucked into Rondo What would you do if you found Wayne's lucky hat in your pocket?
  14. Wizard took Thaidakar into custody and kept him in his special narrator proof holding cell.
  15. The portal opens and reveals a dusky gray landscape covered in volcanic ash. Wizard walks through the portal, "welcome to Xibalba and remember that each myth and legend has a grain of truth at the center."
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