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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "Wizard teleported all the Urn dragon blood into the great Urn dragon blood reserve and went to smack the ghanderflaffle empire around again, as he was bored.
  2. This resulted in another court proceeding with Wizard bringing Samanth Vacker in for the trial.
  3. Wizard had taken enough time to learn to replicate the blood and started using the synthesized blood.
  4. "I have evidence that the original card was faked by you." Wizard leaves the Urn Dragon blood and disappears.
  5. "I found this card near lots of blood." Gasped the Eizard. "It is the same but it reads or instead of and." The Eizard dies of it's injuries.
  6. "Your honor, I have the correct card here. The one that was signed by my pal Pluto." Wizard hands a Super Official Looking Card to the Urn Dragon or SOLCUD as Urn Dragon's call them.
  7. "Wait that was the wrong card, here is the card." Wizard hands the Urn dragon the correct card.
  8. "I gave you the card I had before. So someone was trying to sabotage the procedings Taln."
  9. I thought it was Ares but it has been a while. Granted you are sent to Mars I wish to have a perfect memory
  10. Use it as all metalminds are usefull and set one day a week for storing the metal mind What would you do if you found the bands of mourning in your pocket?
  11. Granted. Ares throws you off for not being Gregor I wish to know all chuck norris jokes that are ever said.
  12. "I had a card that allowed me a one time offer of taking the blood of a Urn dragon named Pluto or if they died by farting and someone murdered my pal Pluto."
  13. That is what he is talking about More ninjas started dying and falling in the court.
  14. "Yes as this made the urn dragon dizzy and have gas right before it was going to die it was killed by a fire spear."
  15. Granted. You are now stuck in China, did you say You now fart alot without control? I wish to have supreme control over my farts.
  16. "The evidence is that my client Wizard over here had papers that read: \/ This is why Wizard could take the urn dragon blood without being attacked by copyright." Calmly replied Chuck Norris as he started fighting Taln.
  17. Chuck Norris objected the objection with a NOPE Ninjas started dying everywhere again
  18. Wonder why there's a wocket in my pocket in my pocket What would you do if you found thing 1 in one pocket and thing 2 in your other pocket?
  19. Wizard conceeds this point but more people made Chuck Norris jokes than Sanderson could keep up with.
  20. Wizard counters this by writing even greater thing that Chuck Norris has done.
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