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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "I hope you can pull this off," whispers Wizard to Chuck. "Because if you can't our lives will be most likely forfeit."
  2. Favorite state? Favorite kind of volcano? Favorite weather pattern? Have you ever been put on trial, real or joking?
  3. Grantad, bat yaa ara naw Gagar tha Avarlandar. A wash ta hava waraa's fartang pawars
  4. Granted. Naw yaa mast talk laka thas. I wish to be a force sensitve individual.
  5. GRENTED. You now are a cockroach and are being prepped to be feed by your siblings I wish to be a member of Yoda's species.
  6. A third great lawyer being appears. It is Brandon Sanderson here to join the debate/war.
  7. "He also had a severe case of the farts his whole life and please move as I don't wish to kill anyone else today." Politely refutes Wizard.
  8. Wizard pulls out his papers and shows them to the Urn dragon. They are as follows: The holder of these papers may take the blood of one Urn dragon that dies by farting and is named Pluto."
  9. "I really wish I hadn't had to do this." Wizard extracts the Urn dragon blood from 655 and leaves. He leaves one million bottles of dragon pee (the drink) in trade.
  10. "You might bore me to death that way. I haven't been bored to death yet so keep on going." Interupted Wizard.
  11. "Look kid I don't want to have to kill you, so leave and forget that I killed your evil brother." Offers Wizard.
  12. "Explain what I really look like and that will prove if I killed your brother or not."
  13. Okay I'll do it When you join the C.I.A. (cookie infromation authority)
  14. "No I don't remember killing anyone in the past couple centuries, I am just collected the blood of the Urn dragon as he said I could after he died."
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