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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "It could be fun though," replied the voice. "You could have power beyond your comprehension if you listen to me."
  2. "Ride him down and your journey will be complete," cackled the voice, "Oh watch out for the falling Urn dragon."
  3. This how ever was made irrelevant by Irrelevant and 655 and Lard were poopd out of the Urn dragon.
  4. I can't wait to see what you will create Bookwyrm. I also would like to maybe help a little bit when I can.
  5. Not really, but persistant efforts get under my skin TPBM is listening to LOTR music.
  6. "I'm afraid that if you try to stop him from creating Abomination it will not work," replied Wizard.
  7. Leven thumps? Meanwhile Scathach and Aoife fought each other to see who was better but since Irrelevant was presiding it was irrelevant.
  8. "Because he so desperately needs this character growth for his arc to be complete and for time to fulfill what has happened."
  9. So to spark character growth, Scathach, Aoife, and Irrelevant were set against Young Thaidakar in The Arena.
  10. "He hasn't had the character growth he needs," replied Wizard. Irrelevant returns alone, but this was irrelevant.
  11. Whoo hoo 1850 Irrelevant reached to pay Butt and realized he didn't have enough money to pay Butt so...
  12. "Hello Ookla the Unintelligable," replied Irrelevant as he bought yet another lemonade.
  13. "Hello there," replied Irrelevant. "What is your name as I know I came from a Irrelevant conversation yesterday."
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