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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Wizard brings back Aoife and Scathach. "You to did well but narrators are too powerful for you now." Wizard sends the twins off on a quest to become stronger.
  2. "Well you forgot to look behind you," replied Aoife as she avenges her sisters death.
  3. Schatach pulls her sword up through Nameless. "You gave me a good fight, old man."
  4. Heaven won't let the sparrows go hungry - Chinese proverb
  5. That most people have extra homework around finals time
  6. "You let yours down too, old man" replied Scathach as Nameless feels the sword through the gut.
  7. "I created it myself and in a different world than this one and it spread throught the shadowrealms." Replied Scathach, "also you sword is too low," commented Scathach as she disarmed Nameless and she holds her sword at his throat.
  8. "I was born in an age of legends and I created all the modern martial arts and my style is that I have no style." Refuted Scathach as she starts hitting even harder than Nameless.
  9. "There is a good chance that the one who taught you learned from me, as all have learned from me or my sister at one point." Replied Scathach.
  10. "The ley gate will not activate for two cycles of the sun. We do not need to travel far as we are all standing or sitting on it right now."
  11. Granted. You now live on Roshar when it wakes up and gets hungry I wish for abomination to die.
  12. Put it on as it would result in no difference What will you do if you find a puppy in your pocket?
  13. It might have been a few years and this is TLT, to fight Nameless she would have to be strong than normal Scathach uses Nameless' sword swings to propell herself behind him and attack him from behind, while feeding on his emotions.
  14. Scathach presses Nameless onto the defensive with her faster than lightning blows, swinging far faster than any mortal could.
  15. Scathach swung her sword faster than a lightsaber and smacked Nameless' sword into the wall.
  16. Scathach grinned, maybe he would be a worthy opponent if not the fight would end quickly.
  17. By summoning all the narrators into one place Gladnir had unwittingly killed almost all of the ninja's and with them crushing the Eizards almost all of them too. The Ganderflaffles were freed and the games ended. The Ghanderflaffle empire rose once more and the last few pages were balefired for good measure by a Ghanderflaffle channeler.
  18. Scathach blocked his strike and loped of the arm holding the mordite sword. "I'll take that."
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