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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Fawful held up his card and read "The bearer of this card may come back from being pardoned from life once."
  2. Fawful came and smacked Rep for taking his invention, he then started cackling madly.
  3. I thought you said you were going to stop teaching people that SEQUENCE! *Blaster shoots* *Falls dead*
  4. Metroid Dread Which mod scares you and keeps you up a night?
  5. I am here to organize you all and join @EmulatonStromenkiin in the ministry.
  6. Mining What worked for you to summon your first demon?
  7. I should go check on the shard When you jump into the ocean
  8. Are you sure your okay after seeing that cat? GREEEEEEEEEEEN
  9. Fantasy but I like them both What is your favorite fan fiction?
  10. Hello there may I have you eyeballs and your kneecaps? What gauntlet should we gift to sidious?
  11. Now which school do you think I should blow up next hmm? It's Bob
  12. Maybe I'll finally get that raise! When you encounter a anger spren on the cognitive side
  13. What do you tell others in your basement Elf? The 17th Shard will reign supreme
  14. I had to start on another account if I wanted to play sunbreak when it came out with my brother and I wanted to start a new weapon and choose the LBG but my brother also choose the LBG. I think they changed it because Jyuratodus didn't stay under the water the whole time and I could attack it while it was underwater, because then you only see the top half. Do they go completely underwater in the game you play?
  15. What is your favorite creature? (Can be real or non real) Would you become a Kandra if you could? Giant Panda or Red Panda?
  16. Would you own a black cat? Do you like Giant Pandas or Red Pandas? How many crows does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
  17. A bunch of wild looking palico's come in and knock Rep over in their haste to get Hunter away and trample him on the way back out disappearing with Hunter.
  18. "You can't kill me as the palico's will just cart me away, as it always happens that way when larger monsters than you kill me." Hunter sets down a massive barrel and shoots it, "Good bye for now Rep." The barrel explodes destroying everything in a 100 yard radius.
  19. "Killing me accomplishes nothing and I get stabbed by monsters bigger than that sword." Hunter goes flying up into the air shooting shrapnel bullets down at Rep.
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