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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. That's pretty good Thaidakar, just some small gramatical errors and some names might need to be changed but it is a excellent story.
  2. "Now to wait for the fun to begin," Wizard watched Sequence and prepared to watch the colorful show.
  3. What is your favorite breed of dog? What is your favorite breed of cat?
  4. A conversation about who went with Artemis into space. So here's a question or two What is your favorite breed of cat? What is your favorite breed of dog? Would you own 20-30 tarantulas if you could?
  5. I haven't hunted one yet as monster hunter rise doesn't have Plesioth to hunt though they might add it in Sunbreak.
  6. When you're watching Wreck it Ralph Breaks the Internet and you here Ralph talk about clenching his butt and you think of Dalinar and Lift.
  7. What are you? Look it's a falling star- RUN IT'S A FALLING STAR
  8. Proof: It was created when Adonalsium was splintered and only invested worlds remain. Theory: The shards were forced together by there not being enough planets
  9. You would have to find something that is solidly connected to the earth and use that as well as avoiding anything heavy that is going to come flying at you. This reminds me of the rotating rooms in super mario games.
  10. The star wars franchise is good. Random thought: Penguin poop That is a unlikely scenario but I am curious to how you would.
  11. "Try it and you will see," cryptically replies Wizard
  12. Yeah we gave the snake to my dad's friend who is a herpetologist at UNL as it was a big snake.
  13. How did your date go? Presses the button. Worlds without number explode
  14. That's really cool! We've found at least two snakes in our basement before we moved and at least three bats and a couple birds in window wells.
  15. "I suppose you can have some." Wizard grabs a very thick steel cup and pours a single drop inside. "Here you go @Sequence."
  16. Do you have any bugs. What you do feed your 20-30 tarantulas?
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