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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Holly is on earth and at least one elf said they felt bad for any aliens artemis encountered and so they go roped into going with artemis.
  2. So some families might be better at honing because they have had the power for generations? Do families members have to have the same power? Do two people with different powers that marry will that affect what powers their children can have? I have lots of questions and your answers just spawn more questions, I hope these questions help you build your magic system and improve it.
  3. Are you just going to answer with no ? Who is your favorite character in greek mythology?
  4. Do you feel bad for the elf that was roped into going with Artemis?
  5. How do I get Artemis Fowl back down from Space?
  6. No it does not and you might know me if you live in Nebraska.
  7. I would pick Steven Sharp Nelson and name a dog after him If you instantly finish any non Brandon Sanderson book series which series would it be?
  8. What have you done in TLT? Look it's a wild drag- RUN FOR YOUR LIVES
  9. How long would it take to hone your power in a specific power and will different people be better at honing talents faster? Does having multiple powers make you less able to hone your talents? Will anyone be able to display a certain level of savantaism in a power?
  10. If you get bitten you will most likely die. I wish I had that many pets @The Bookwyrm. 98
  11. I would definitely like that many tarantulas then. I'd also like snakes but my mom would hate that idea about as much as tarantulas. 93
  12. I would like that many tarantulas and I would only freak out if I got bit and a little if they escaped but my mom and my sister hate spiders. 91
  13. No, my mom wouldn't let us have them and we have cats instead. What would be a cool name for a cat?
  14. "So not too much, alright anyone that wants to come I can lead us to the nearest shadowrealm and from there we will cross from realm to realm until we reach our target realm." Replied Wizard.
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