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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "With all that is going on, I think the only rule is who ever gets to ten first wins. You get to start it now."
  2. "I think it was MUFFIN DON'T BITE, MUFFIN DON'T BITE." Immediately all the dishes go clean themselves and reveal what they look like and now have normal food. "There you go, these cups have water in them."
  3. "But I was you and kept the ball heading towards what was my goal."
  4. He is the main recurring character in TLT and the Butt of many jokes.
  5. "Yeah, don't trust any drinks here unless you have drank out of them and even then still be warry as all my cups have been awakened to give guests Yaknog or other horrible tasting drinks to deter people that break into my house. Same with any dinning ware."
  6. I believe it starts on peter ahlstrom's birthday and keeps going through Kolos Head Munching Day. What is your favorite holiday?
  7. "It is and I wouldn't recomend trying it, but it is really funny to leave out and label a different drink for guests to try. Also I wouldn't drink that water you're holding as that's disguised Yaknog."
  8. It's fine and I find it kind of funny now "Ask Astrid about it sometime and she will be able to give you some. Just imagine eggnog but with chunks of yak meat in it."
  9. "It's better than his original fate and he has become like a good friend though it took him a couple Eons to get over his tendencies and he can now roam a little ways around the house."
  10. "Yes, Darkstalker here makes a great oven, and it also serves as his punishment."
  11. Not sure what that is TPBM likes the new monsterverse movies
  12. It is a title and a name of a person in a book and he is feared by all. I also needed the spelling for something else
  13. What do you think pie is anyway? MMMM tasty cat
  14. "You can also steam and smoke food above the dragon's nostrils. The stove is just above the oven so it has less heat." Wizard pulls out some perfectly cooked fish and leaves the burnt meat in the oven for the oven to eat.
  15. "You can test it if you want, I mixed the luminous soup with my drink that I had made before to make this glorious invention. I just have to label it." Wizard sticks a label on *Warning this may be stronger than horneater white. You may spontaneously combust or become a color changing luminous light bulb for eternity.*
  16. So basically you want him to become Kaladin?
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