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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. What's that computer's name? "MWAHAHAHAHA" *Giant explosions everywhere*
  2. It used to be. I have no opinion as I haven't tried them TPBM likes olives on pizza
  3. I will my mansion to Queedran My money to @The Bookwyrm My stories to @EmulatonStromenkiin My body to @Thaidakar the Ghostblood My memories to @Nameless and my cats to @CalanoCorvus. That's all that I have for now, this is assuming I'm a super rich person which I am not.
  4. "He is learning to master Chi(Qi) and will be able to return to you after atleast 40 years of meditating in a cave and asking himself who he is. That is if he wishes to return."
  5. I will follow Aunt Agatha's will and force all people that want my billion dollar to play a real life 1313 DeadEnd Drive for it.
  6. Uncle Brandy being allergic to Brandy What mod scares you the most and keeps you up a night?
  7. Are you sick? NO not the bunnies NOOOOOOOO--
  8. Granted. You can't live on earth I wish to have weapons from video games to protect myself from the monsters.
  9. I meant about thaidakars response about trees and the internet was a question for thaidakar. Thaidakar what is your opinion on the internet?
  10. Wizard appears, "Good bye Thaidakar you seemed like such a nice person, and I hope you find peace finally."
  11. Shifu starts appearing each time and starts slapping Abomination each time, but this was irrelevent.
  12. I am only the most important character in the play When you edit your question
  13. This was rather painful, even more painful than being beheaeded by a mordite sword.
  14. Wizard accepts defeat as he should have lost a few turns ago as you can't castle a king out of check. Wizard accepts the fact that he is board
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