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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Evil strange appeared to offer to break the absolute point in time for Spook.
  2. Hhhhmmmmm @CalanoCorvus Wizard kicked the giant's head back as Wizard was taller than the giant
  4. "I believe you meant immoral," said Wizard and his words made it so.
  5. Wizard summoned his army of blue-eyes to destroy Thaidakar's trade empire.
  6. Wizard finished read the book inside the sun and returned the book to the library while running his own trade empire in opposition.
  7. Torture failed as this only made Snotlout As Well As... more insane and increased his desire to destroy the universe.
  8. This however failed as Snotlout As Well As... was FAR to annoying as he had picked up the shard of annoyance and it could not be taken from him.
  9. He was however stuck with Snotlout As Well As...'s constantly complaining soul. "I used to be a God and if you let me out I could make you a little g."
  10. This caused everyone (non-personified) to start writhing on the ground as Snotlout As Well As... had alread tainted the realm and moved to permanently tainting the spiritual realm.
  11. "@Lunamor, I have made a new drink that I would like to sell the rights to the happy inquisitor and I will give you the recipe to make lumionous dragon pee," proclaimed Wizard.
  12. I'll still read it but I won't get my hopes up just in case it ends up not being that good.
  13. Snotlout As Well As... collected the shards of Autonomy, Endownment, Ambition, and Invention becoming...
  14. Well my dad said he read that there is or at least was going to be 6 Kung Fu Panda movies. That was how I felt about michael vey and he is going to continue it even though nothing can harm or even really hurt Michael now.
  15. This of course was just the dementia setting in everyone as Snotlout As Well As... infected the universe with his dementia shard.
  16. noone appeared and summoned Abomination and cut of his head with a Mordite blade, "You have failed our master."
  17. What do you think of Mr. Lemoncello's library? What do you think they can do for the 4th, 5th, and 6th Kung Fu Panda movies?
  18. Thes es fen! Lets never step When you fall off of a building
  19. Granted, go read the WoT. Your bane is you are the shakespearan arrow from the trials of apolo I wish to be able to transform into any monster from the Monster Hunter series.
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