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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Granted. You constantly see fades in the shadows. I wish to be able to travel anywhere using light and shadows.
  2. Can you set your lighter on fire? When you are chased by a Scythe(the group of people)
  3. What this shard did was too complex to be put into words and could only be represented with one letter.
  4. Granted. Wasing the wanting notting the speaking this language.
  5. Due to Snotlout As Well As... becoming the shard of idiocy, everyone that used the idiodic magic systems became idiots. Snotlout As Well As stumbled upon Sel and consumed those shards as well.
  6. Yeah, the first book shouldn't leave you wanting for too much more, only if you read the second book you won't really want to stop.
  7. IT was me all along When you run over your friend with a tank
  8. Meanwhile Snotlout As Well As... had finished killing all the shards on roshar and ascended to tri shard hood. He had become...
  9. "At least an hour for he now has peace for the first time in his life," replies Oogway's disembodied voice.
  10. It's better than writer's cramp When you are given a world destroying weapon
  11. What do you want from my pocket? MMYY PPPREEECCCIIIIOOUUSSS
  12. Oogway draws out his spirit and leads him to the spirit realm to find inner peace.
  13. "Most likely as the mordite hit directly into his core and his wish has been granted. But I can try one last thing, Oh, little one." Oogway summons pandas and they heal Thaidakar with Chi(Qi).
  14. Why should I join the dark side? We will give you thermite rust.
  15. "I am a guid into the spirit world for I am dead but not dead as my true pupil has ascended death."
  16. "No I'm afriad not even he will be able to help with this," replied Oogway as he appeared.
  17. gets nothing (money stolen by niffler) Inserts a emerald broam
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