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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Come on everybody lets get it. It comes out in 3023 When your friend's house explodes
  2. Wizard walks to the moon in tel'aran'rhiod and takes the book from Nameless's frozen fingers
  3. Five, six, seven, eight, what do teachers hate? *FFFFFFFFFRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTT*
  4. Proof: Why else would she be telling the shards to let it go? Theory: The Quarkbeast exists
  5. The Cello as it is a great instrument and my favorite but the rest are great
  6. TELL ME MORE. TELL ME MORE DID THEY GET A DIVORCE? "Can you name that paraody song?"
  7. I had a concert tonight and it went really well as it was the orchestra teacher's last concert at my school and he has been teaching for 17 years. He is moving to a new high school that opens up next year and everyone is going to miss him. It was a abnormally good concert though as the varsity(lower level) and chamber orchestra(higher level) were combined for the final concert.
  8. "Then I shall be out for a while." Wizard teleports to [NOT FOUND] to heal. Butt comes and smacks Abomination around.
  9. Granted. The bane can't be seperated from the boon. You are also dead from being stabbed by a hemalurgic spike I like Ike I wish to be able to stop having to rhyme Anybody want a peanut
  10. Wizard flew through the constantly shifting maze to grab the book.
  11. "That was quite painful," said Wizard as he collapsed from the pain to rest and heal.
  12. So it could be weaponized against the user if the person performing the changing was far enough away? Just thinking how evil people would use it.
  13. "Confuzzle the puzzle of lightning doth muffle the fluffle." Safluffled Wizard
  14. Wizard threw up a gateway to deposite them through the hole in the roof.
  15. Yes. You are now stuck in a mess Rhyming is fun, but now I'm done. Reverse this curse Or you'll be a horse
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