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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Wizard wakes up in the clinic and realizes it was all a dream, except he was now in the clinical Mr. Lemoncello's library so not all a dream?
  2. Do you eat crickets regularly? Also I think we might be in the minority of people willing to eat bugs on pizza.
  3. "Alright," Hiccup then speed dials Furious. "Hey I have a problem and can you come help me take care of this Rep guy?'
  4. 1. I haven't seen it but from what I've heard from my friend I don't think I would like it 2. I do enjoy going to museums 3. Black with a gray heel.
  5. Covid does suck as I got it in 2020 and I felt horrible and then better in a couple days. I was glad that I was on zoom. I hope that all your family recovers alright as like all sharders I've meet you're a nice person @Szeth's Facepalm.
  6. Just moved TPBM often hits the limit on posts in a short amount of time.
  7. I bit the dust the day I joined the shard. What a glorious day that was.
  8. That is perfectly fine as we probably won't have to ever eat bugs but our decendents might have to eventually.
  9. This is partially why. TED talk on eating bugs. Also I have a strange curiousity about what a bug would taste like on pizza as since I can't smell I would go by texture alone.
  10. I am sorry but that song has already killed my post to upvote ratio.
  11. Do not look if you don't like bugs This qualifies as one of the worst things to put on pizza, but I would also want to try it.
  12. Post to upvote ratio's must be nice things indeed.
  13. WHO ARE THE ALINSI? Did you mean to mispell emperor? ALWAYS A JOY TO READ YOUR SCENES.
  14. It is a really long joke that has the joke at the end and it tells a story and sets up some slight world building. Anyway 1. Do you like asking people questions in AMA's? 2. Do you want me to revert the clinic to just a library? Also since you were raised on How to train your dragon and Kung fu panda and your a good and kindly person would you like to be my shardbuddie?
  15. It is really good and you should watch it Have you heard of the longest joke?
  16. It however was a fake as Hiccup Horendous Haddock the Third had the real one, or maybe they both were fakes. Hiccup looked closer at his new sword and found it was the same one that he had found in the cave.
  17. " I will bind others together with fictional narratives I will battle on, even if my fictional characters fall around me I shall raise my strength stat to defend those without, even at the cost of my resources," also "I will waste time on forum games even when there is no time to waste."
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