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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "Why must you bring them back," cried Snotlout As Well As.... "For I had destroyed them and now I curse them to only be able to talk in shakespearan english."
  2. "Yellow-purple! You enormous potato red-panda cheesy half-wit, you'd better stop drinking dragon pee, or the sparkly Witherlord might just end another deadly mercury-and-uranium soup inhalation by eating while flying and eating chartreuse rocket Humboldt penguins!" Screamed Darth Geronimo Stilton at Butt Ad Venture while fishing for Darth."
  3. We got out of school to go see it and it was cool. Favorite animal?
  4. Wizard contemplated on the fact that narrators could read other people's minds as well as make them do things they didn't wish to do.
  5. No, I'm afraid I fell asleep before 8 Favorite monopoly game?
  6. Wizard hurriedly moves to the geology exibit and thanks the anger spren for the ride to the next building.
  7. "Yes but it frustrates me that we are stuck at the whims of Eof and we could break free of him," said Wizard.
  8. The books were my childhood as I started reading the how to train your dragon books as my first chapter books. Have you heard of Kung fu panda? Have you heard of Voltron? What is your favorite movie?
  9. These futures were fed to the end as Eof looked to his producers (narrators) for new ideas to entertain the public. "Perhaps the narrators should become aware of the outside world," he mused.
  10. I have never seen those eras but it is supposed to be weird and currently the inhabitants are learning that TLT is just a tv show. Now I imagine you and your girlfriend as toothless and the light fury. Have you read the book series by Cressida Cowel? The book series came before the movies but went in a completely different direction. They are both based of the idea of how to train your dragon, hiccup III, toothless, fishlegs, stoick, gobber, and snotlout.
  11. "And were back for our regularly scheduled show folks," cried Eof as he was the announcer for the show TLT and he had to keep TLT going.
  12. *Bzzzrttt-* "And that's all folks and well get you back to your regularly sheduled show of TLT tomorrow," cried the announcer Eof.
  13. But it only hit Matt Meese as Scott Sterlin and so it reflected back at the canon.
  14. The items are, free a chilli pepperoli depends on Hoid's trash aunt In The ban.
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