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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. For he had influenced Elephant Earwax into creating TLT in the first place.
  2. Why are you jumping off of the building? ANGER SPREN BEHIND YOU!
  3. 1. What is your favorite RP 2. What is your opinion of TLT? 3. Favorite kind of dragon (can come from any series but please list the series)?
  4. I might not be able to watch it as well. But you can probably watch How Not to Be Seen.
  5. But TLT is quite fun especially since the narrators just learned they were pawns all along. Pawns of Eof.
  6. Yet his plans always failed in the end and he would have to purge this universe and start again soon.
  7. Eof was a benevolent Tyrant who ruled all people with a firm yet steady hand.
  8. "Eof granted them powers and he has been behind TLT all this time and he controls who has narrator powers," replied a different disembodied text.
  9. This was an improbable task as it wasn't impossible only very very very very very very very very unlikely to happen.
  10. Nameless appears in the tavern. "Hello you've meet with a terrible fate, haven't you," said the tavern keeper. "You can go rejoin them now if you wish, you can wait for them to finish, or you can start the final quest to escape without them."
  11. It was he who had given power to Adonalsium and he who powered the narrators.
  12. Welcome to the shard! Whose your favorite character?
  13. A town in the wheel of time where it was hit by a bubble of evil and at night all the people in the town go animalistic crazy and band into packs that hunt and kill each other. However in the morning everyone wakes back up in their beds and only has the NIGHTMARES which are residual memories of the night. 10/.01
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