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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The ice refused to melt. Growing a deeper blue as the flames kicked closer. Lilyana was still asleep but her gauntleted hand shot up and grasped Ezrium by the throat.
  2. She shivered and twitched. Her hands becoming coated in icy claws, her body begining to be covered in an icy suit of armor. A pair of crystalline icy wings began to sprout from her back and through the armor. The temperature began dropping rapidly around her.
  3. Emma laughed gently, they all are. He can’t get into any trouble that can't be fixed easily. You could join him in the wacky adventures he'll go on if you'd like. Or just tell him that we do have books signed by Brandon Sanderson hidden in the walls somewhere.
  4. That’s not one a week! …but I’ll take what I can get. Well shucks, I guess I’ll hafta say yes, especially since he knows everything there is to know about my character Isadore. Ask him! He’ll gladly spout to you, won’t you, Wizzy? (...)
  5. Lilyana stirred slightly, an old recurring nightmare stabbing at her heart again.
  6. It's more Camore's with me used to being stuck in the basement an all. But the staff and the people in the clinic are lovely.
  7. I know, I met those people. I’m having some trouble with your second sentence but it might just be cuz this book is melting my brain xD
  8. Well, John Locke says ppl should revolt if the dictators infringe on their rights. So do please explain your asterisk :3 I love the strawberry hard candies at the dollar store, the ones with the gel stuff inside. I really like all candy though. Like legit all of it. @shortcake
  9. Haly: I don’t know any IRL T_T but I used to know Cellist, Ranryu, Wizard, and Rabbit (wiz plz fix that if that’s wrong). I only met Wizard once though. Wizzy: KAJSA whoops caps Haly: OH YEAH and Kajsa. Kajsa is important. Very very. And Echo, I met a few times irl but she’s not really on anymore. I don’t think.
  10. Haly: I doubly agree. Hopefully. I mean, I’m gonna explode a lot of stuff, so if that is classified as epic, then yes. It will be. Haly: Sounds good to me. Especially if there’s ice cream. Wizzy: Can I come? I like meeting sharders IRL Haly: Ask Platypus. Wizzy: Can I come too Platypus???
  11. Lilyana still slept through all of this.
  12. Of course sister (That is if you don’t mind being forcibly adopted as a friend sibling
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