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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. I have come for your soul and your eternal service. A Demon appears.
  2. "I was killing the cockroaches not the people Thaidakar." Hunter then wondered if he should seek imployment else where.
  3. Not for hours yet TPBM has stayed up to late on the shard.
  4. The bunnies start frantically throwing themselves at Hawklow and the Barron himself comes out.
  5. Hunter catches the snowball but gets soaked with water. "I've been hit by bigger snowballs than this one from a BUNNY RABBIT.
  6. "You have to kill them all and don't worry they don't have the same qualms that you do. They are also wielding coppies of @Nameless's nightblood 2.0."
  7. Hunter came back from his vacation as he had been in worse places than a corner. "I was talking to Sequence not you Thaidakar."
  8. Bullets that can't just be avoided and if they are shot they die or armor that protects me."
  9. "I only humored Fuzzy, but you will need to pay me in money, armor, and bullets that can kill in TLT."
  10. I play Civ VI do you have the gathering storm and rise and fall expansion?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      I haven't found many Sanderfans that play some of the less well known games that I do. Have you ever reached a late game Golden age and used a giant death robot with bombing planes to annihilate the other civilizations?

    3. Doomstick


      On my first game! (I had much prior experience with Civ 5)

    4. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Civ VI was confusing when I first played it as I had never played a civilization game before, but once I got the hang of it I started to really enjoy it.

  11. Hunter then walked away to baragain with @Thaidakar the Ghostblood for a price to be his bodyguard.
  12. Hunter shoots Fuzzy to put her out of her misery. Hunter is kind of dark and a monster hunter turned mercenary
  13. "Fuzzy hired me to kill Fluffy for 100 lollypops and then Fluffy hired me to kill Fuzzy for 101 lollypops." replies Hunter as he walks away.
  14. This quest was to prove that Moash could be redemed and that he was the best character after all.
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