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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Lilyana tilted her head, "M-my Lady?"
  2. Lilyana steps back, shoeing Ezrium back as well. "He-hello? Are you awake?" @Canada Lover @Edema Rue
  3. Lilyana froze the water before it hit Eddie, causing it to crash to the ground. "Leave her. She'll wake when she's ready. She just survived another encounter with her mother."
  4. Lilyana's face turned deathly white. "Nonononononononononotagainnotagainnotagain..." she kept mumbling and crying as she walked over to Eddie. @Edema Rue
  5. "I...I don’t know why...unless...she was in one when I found her, so..." Lilyana's face paled and she rushed into the room with Eddie and xq. @TheRavenHasLanded @Edema Rue
  6. "YE-zzzzzz..." the instructor snorted and snored. "FIGHT!! THE GOAL IS TO FIGHT YOU LAZY BOOMSLUGS!!! zzzzzzzz..."
  7. The dagger shatters on the man's armor and he slowly disappears.
  8. The man still walked away, not caring. He was going to go find a real fight.
  9. Welcome to the shard!!! We're glad to have you! Which character do you relate to the most?
  10. Lilyana's voice squeaked. "She's in a cocoon???" @Aeoryi
  11. Lilyana looks at them, frozen tears still falling from her eyes. She raises her hand, half heartedly allowing ice to coat her hand.
  12. The man whacked him with the pomel of his sword and walked away.
  13. The man grunted unable to actually talk, but the sword dropped to his side, gradually losing its shimer.
  14. The mysterious man sighed, this was a blatant missuse of his talents. He dashed forward, sword swinging in beautiful arcs. In tune with the spirit of the sword and warriors past, he cleaved their helms in two, all of them.
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