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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The radios of both flights crackled and the old kitten's voice came on. "Engage in a dog fight but do not actually shoot each other down." @SmilingPanda19 @Edema Rue
  2. These are all done by @The Halcyon Girl @Edema Rue @Kajsa :) @Wittles of Shinovar Edit: and here's some more @Ranryu
  3. XD not me stick, I've never broken a bone. Anways would you rather have a fluffy or a floofy coat?
  4. Eddie's! We even set a new record for how long it took before we mentioned sacrificing her!!
  5. I shall pray for one then Favorite kind of explosion?
  6. What will it take to make you sleep and eat food?
  7. The man sighed again. But he wasn't some legendary beast that he had come to slay. He'd heard of one called the Krampus and had wanted to slay it.
  8. The man sighed. He really had wanted a challenge. Something stronger than a deviljho and faster than a Tobi-Kadachi.
  9. The man eyed the caterpillar. It looked like it could fit in with the massive monsters in his world. Perhaps this was why the guild had sent him. Cautiously he readied his sword, it still glowing a deep bloodred.
  10. The strange man looked around for some real foes. These other ones were nothing like the massive monsters he was used to fighting. They'd exploded like bombadgies.
  11. The strange man also rushes in and as he begins beating people up his sword begins to glow. First pulsing with a light white light, then a blazing yellow, and then a dark bloodred.
  12. Lilyana just smiled sadly at Aster. "Thanks," she mumbled. "I'm just confused." @Aeoryi
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