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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The whisps of air begin whispering to the tune, mother knows best.
  2. The voice sounded amused. "And miss all of that? You continuing to shove everyone away and to hurt them so they stay away amd will be safe?"
  3. The wind sighed in an exasperated sigh, "did you really think I could die so easily, dearest daughter?"
  4. "Who do you think?" Whispered the air, words leaking from the dagger.
  5. A dagger screamed past her face. Air whistling through it in an ominous tune.
  6. The only sound was the receeding sound of ice tinkling on wood.
  7. Lilyana took this to mean her too and she walked out of the room. A trail of frozen tears shattering behind her.
  8. The strange man in the strange armor made up of some kind of a creature appeared again.
  9. The instructor was peacefully taking a power nap.
  10. "It doesn’t actually hurt them. Just freezes them from everything so we can sleep safely."
  11. "I can turn them into ice sculptures for the night."
  12. The old instructor jerked back awake. Eyes blinking rapidly he looked over all the cadets. "Well anyways today you're going to run through our simulation as I assume many of you have many times before."
  13. Lilyana sighs and unfreezes the lovely ice sculpture. @The Honorable One
  14. Lilyana blasted him with ice, turning him into a human ice sculpture.
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