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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. They're a bit unique >:) (but you won't be in immediate danger right away)
  2. Yes yes I do. I'll let my children (Emma's really) hunt you down most vigorously
  3. ...okay fine I hope you're able to cut down on your time
  4. Just one and be wary about using it and being alone
  5. I can't smell at all and all I can tell is the difference between like sweet and sour, spicy. Stuff like that.
  6. P.S. you're going to want some wingmate- I mean alliances for this game
  7. TAKE ME WITH YOU PLEASE!! Though I should be able to bike some this week hopefully if I'm feeling up to it. Favorite scripture story? Favorite character death? Least Favorite character death?
  8. Why haven't you had any candy recently?
  9. Yes. Only one. I or my fellow GMs could explain them. I don’t have time right now though to explain them. @Edema Rue could you explain them in the beginning post?
  10. Yes! Very similar to Jedi talents intact but you could only take one
  11. I don't like cheese dip that much Can't smell/taste though and I can eat it, just prefer other things. I assume things like chivalry and opening doors helps too. Hmmmm favorite breed of birb?
  12. Certain cytonic abilities are allowed but the hyperdrive cytonics are not allowed. Or if you do you'll draw a delver and die @SmilingPanda19 @Edema Rue @shortcake @Ancient Elantrian @Thaidakar the Ghostblood
  13. Don't worry I'm in charge of tracking down everyone's names and changed names
  14. Favorite breed of dog? Breed of cat? Favorite pet you'd like to own?
  15. *hugs back* That's a great number I hope to have many cats and dogs and ferrets. And I too would like a horse
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