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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Lilyana reached over and grabbed Eddie's hand, "I could always feel my ice lurking trapped under," Lilyana laughed slightly. "Under well ice." She locked eyes with Eddie, "I promise we'll figure this out together, Lady."
  2. Lilyana looked confused, "but shouldn't you have your fire back? You're free from the stone...so why are you cold Lady?"
  3. "A lot has happened," Lilyana said with a little smile. "Mainly Eddie regained her fire powers and control over them." Thorn walked over to Wren, best to let them catch up now...though it's going to be a while. @Edema Rue
  4. Lilyana just squeeze Aster tighter and whispered, "it's okay starlight. It’s okay."
  5. Lilyana walked over and pulled Aster into a hug, not saying anything just holding her. Hmmm triangle...poor Lil always loved everyone too much, though Thorn. @Edema Rue
  6. "Well I'd like you to not kill my mom," replied Lilyana. "She is doesn’t always think about what she does, but I still love her Aster. Please don't try. I don’t want to lose either of you."
  7. "Ummm. I think it was all just a misunderstanding."
  8. Emma kissed Zira on the forehead. "Don’t worry daughter. I will, now sleep." She touched Zira lightly on the forehead and put her to sleep. Quickly she worked, removing Medea's venom from her body. Then she worked on her teeth, changing her front incisors into fangs and giving her the ability to feed on blood. She also gave her a few extra tricks and buried her in the earth to let the abilities meld into her. This was also the time any additional abilities or side effects would manifest. Soon Emma left and Medea came in, falling asleep in boredom. @Edema Rue
  9. I honestly thought you were someone sent to capture Eddie.
  10. That is the most beautiful and squishiest thing Pumba say I. TPBM has seen a mouse
  11. Thorn winced, sorry about stabbing you kid.
  12. Good to know, signed Thorn. Now we must leave before Emma's creatures can find us here. Thorn shot a look at him.
  13. Emma stopped Zira in a room full of earth with a single freshly dug hole. "Just so you know daughter I will have to remove the venom and that will kill you. But fear not as you will rise again as what you wished." Emma's violet eyes locked with Zira's. "Are you ready, dearest Zira?"
  14. Emma shook her head, "apparently not but that doesn't matter now." She smiled at Zira, "well follow me and we'll get to work."
  15. "Because you killed Cassian Bonswear." Emma smiled down at Zira, "don't worry daughter. He needed to die and the blood gives me an idea. How would you like to have vampire fangs?" @Edema Rue
  16. Medea hissed viciously back at Zira. "Daughters, daughters this is no time to fight! This is a time for celebration! A daughter has returned home." Medea hissed again at this and Emma sighed. "Walk with me," she said to Zira. "And Medea they still need your help at the GMHQ." "Yess mother," hissed Medea. She bowed and left.
  17. Emma smiled at her, "how would you like to recieve a gift like dear Medea?"
  18. No......................*wishes was wrapped up in blanket burrito tho* TPBM has a floofy coat
  19. Medea hissed, the game maker was getting heavy but soon she could leave her in mother's capable hands. The soft fluttering of raven wings signaled her mother’s approach and Medea knelt. "I have her, mother." Emma smiled benevolently at Medea, "thank you for delivering your new sister, dear daughter." She took Siylna from Medea and gently stroked her hair. "It's time to wake up, my precious little Zira." @Edema Rue
  20. Oh yeah, you do that here xD TPBM has seen a black cat
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