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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. This one I don't know how it went...Hope it went okay. @Edema Rue Hope
  2. Is terribly hard I apologize Ruess Now can I come ride on Nugget? And have you finished the second book yet?
  3. Awwwwwwwwwwww She's fun tho... Would you rather have a bipedal cat fight with you or a dog large enough to ride on?
  4. Behind me being bemused by all of this knowing I was the one who hired him. @Edema Rue
  5. Lilyana shook her head. "That was Eddie's mom. My mom is usually good." She cooked her head at her mother, "why did you capture us though?" Because you had just encountered her creatures. She was on your trail.
  6. "And I'm freezing too. It's these chains. I'm sure once you're out of them you'll be able to work you magic again." Lilyana looked up at her mother pleasingly and Thorn sighed. She reached down to unlock the handcuffs. Just be careful. She's sent out other hunters that aren't trying to help you instead.
  7. Lilyana looked confused at Aster, "she's well one of the most powerful fire users I've ever seen."
  8. Lilyana shrugged, "not Eddie in particular just anyone with fire. She's become a mother of nightmares and abominations, twisting and fusing creatures together and with elements theh never had before. For her current project she needs as much fire as she can get." I wanted to remove her so she didn't get her, replied Thorn.
  9. Yeah I did. Only one year though then I think I was detasseling for two. I found it at Walt [Disney] or Gere. (It’s not stupid and I appreciate the references :).
  10. I don't remember the branch but it wasn't one of the normal ones my family tends to go to. It was for the summer reading program.
  11. Lilyana shook her head sadly, "she...she grew worse. It seemed as if her entire soul was being consumed and she changed from being compassionate and caring to cold and calculating." @Edema Rue
  12. Haven't even seen a need to summon a mod since so the win is mine
  13. I mean I was new so it wasn’t that bad though it could have been worse. I'm glad it wasn't though as I'd rather not be muted.
  14. He just chided us and said he'd shut down the thread if we pinged him again.
  15. So long as you don't ping him for meaningless things in forum games might have accidentally pinged him in the game and its losers thread when I was new...
  16. My mom: Do you want a pickle?

    My brain when I hear pickle: 




    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard


      Monster Hunter World!!

    3. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Ooh I love that game!!

    4. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      I unfortunately haven't played world yet @ExoticAlmond but I hope to be able to eventually. Only played Rise + sunbreak and Generations ultimate. Hope to be able to get a laptop and then World + iceborn

  17. From my local library! I just saw one one day and read through it and then wanted to read more! It's sad the author couldn't write anymore in the series though
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