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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Lilyana just looked at Eddie sadly, "neither of us wanted to kill her and she was at first using it to help."
  2. Translate if you would daughter, please? Lilyana nodded. "I was a good mother though. Albeit a single one, he died months before my twins were born. And as different as day and night they were. Lilyana was born as water and Emma as fire. It was a hard life but we used our gifts to survive. Lilyana grew her gift into ice and Emma...it was discovered she was a Meddler. Born with the ability to absorb the essence of living beings."
  3. "It's okay both of you...I think. My mom's just...being my mom." Lilyana sighs, "which means plenty of teasing. And news of my sister who wants you Eddie...well not specifically but someone with a soul like yours." Thorn nodded to all of this.
  4. "It appears my sister, my twin sister has gone evil. Consuming any who oppose her into her soul, cankering her soul and destroying all that was good in her." She wants to consume more fire. The desire has consumed all that she was. "Well then she can't have Eddie." Mmm yes the only who calls you Lil, which you hated to be called. Lilyana reddened visibly and shook her hair infront of her face, hiding behind it.
  5. Lilyana swallowed, "yeah that's my mom." She tried to sign but only managed to jangle the chains. "Sorry mom but I can’t sign. What are you doing here. I thought you were helping Emma with her affliction." Thorn sighed, "You've missed a lot. While you were gone it...it took over and she's gone."
  6. Lilyana just froze as Thorn, no Laurallen walked up to them. "Mother?" @Aeoryi
  7. It seems the children are trying to blast the chains apart. It won’t work and it's time I had a talk with them. The bullet bounced away, leaving no marks on the strange stone of the chain.
  8. It is but it's also very beautiful with the most diverse flora and fauna I've ever seen. Lilyana pressed her hands behind her back to hand the gun to Eddie. This had the side effect of putting all of their hands in contact with each other and Lilyana blushed. Quickly she handed the gun over to Eddie. "Now what," she hissed.
  9. It wasn't part of a job. Dragons roam frequently on my world and some just kill for pleasure. While some for hire though those are rare. And some hide as people. They're varied but seem to hold humans as lesser as a general rule "I can try." Lilyana reached back with one hand, pulling Aster's hand with her as she reached for Eddie's gun. Both hands brushed up against Eddie's back as Lilyana barely managed to pull the gun out.
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