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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Thank you for understanding and he was...he was a very brave man.
  2. He..he's not alive anymore. A dragon attacked and he shoved me away to safety while I watched him die. Flesh flayed from his bones by scything blasts and blades of air...not unsimilar to the knives I can make...and the arrows he used to be able to. Lilyana smiled sadly at her, "how? These bands will prevent us from using our elements. So how do you propose we get out, my Lady?"
  3. "Yeah," agreed Lilyana, shaking her head slightly. "All I remember was leading Eddie back to our room to sleep and then waking up here, shivering." They haven't even noticed us yet so distracted are they by each other, grinned Thorn. It reminds me of...my raven.
  4. Lilyana cooked her head, "other people? More people joined the group?"
  5. Lilyana smiled at Aster and then blushed, turned towards Eddie and blushed an even deeper red. Thorn chuckled. Seems our captives are going to be our entertainment. @Edema Rue
  6. "The stone...it isn’t supposed to exist. It drains elemental energy."
  7. Lilyana shivered, "I...I'm not supposed to be able to get cold. It...it feels as if these shackles are draining them." Her eyes widen and her voice catches, "They...they're only supposed to be a legend."
  8. Well we can't put them back to sleep but we can handle what ever they try. Limited as it is by the element draining stone. Lilyana blinked open her sapphire blue eyes. "Eddie?" She moaned and shivered again. "Do you know why I'm cold?"
  9. Thorn smiled a genuine gentle smile at him. Lilyana shivered next to her, the chains rattling gently at her movements.
  10. Ether 12:4 is one I heard in a devotional tonight and it touched my heart so I thought to share it. Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God.
  11. He feels British to me and some sentences seem to run on, BUT it fits with the British personality and his view that kind of feels slightly snobbish a bit. That’s at least what it felt like to me.
  12. It was a fair amount considering someone was already dying when the conversation started.
  13. Thorn shrugged. Don’t know, depends if she has another job for us. If she doesn't then I guess we'll go our separate ways. She tilted her head, considering Wren. It has been pleasant working and traveling with you.
  14. "Almost there. Just a few hours till we reach the meeting point." @Edema Rue
  15. That was very very sweet and beautiful And also how I imagine it in my head O.o
  16. Either Gandalf or Alexander Taylor!! From Lotr and the adventures wanted series respectively
  17. Yes...eventually though. But first you'd get a cool element power! Which grows with you as you have experiences allowing you to do new things with it as you discover it even more. Also did you know I have an AMA?
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