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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Medea smiled, her violet eyes cold and lifeless. "You won't get a choice." She turns to slither away to leave Siylna to contemplate that and calls back almost as an after thought. "Victor iss dead." @Ancient Elantrian @TheRavenHasLanded @Canada Lover Medea grabs Ryn by the throat and slams him into the prison.
  2. Medea cruely smiled. "Oh you don't get a choice dear." Her eyes flashed a brilliant violet. A violet hunger lurked behind her eyes. "You will sserve me."
  3. Medea grinned back. "Good good. You'll be perfect for what I have planned."
  4. Medea's tongue just flickered in and out. Merely just staring at Siylna unblinking. Slowly a sly smile flowed over her face. "Would you call yoursself a hero?"
  5. Medea grins as twin purple flames blaze behind her eyes. "Becausse they're the ssame thing really. At leasst how I mean them. And anywayss you don't get a choice."
  6. "Your ssalvation or your desstruction. Little difference really."
  7. Medea smiled, "why I thought you were ssmart, dear Ssiylna." Her eyes gleamed with a dangerous light. Her claws rasped against the bars as she idly sharpened them. "I'm neither of the ssoulss who inhabit thiss near perfect body."
  8. Medea's eyes shifted from emerald green to a violent violet. Her smile turned cruel again. "Well well well. It sseemss you've corrupted my favorite pet." @Edema Rue @Ancient Elantrian @TheRavenHasLanded @Canada Lover
  9. "Ssoon...probably. The other ssoul will return ssoon." @Edema Rue @TheRavenHasLanded @Canada Lover
  10. "It'ss not allowed to me but I find wayss anywayss." Medea flicked her tongue at Ryn. "Ssomeone modified me when I wass born. I wass born assss a ssnake and a ssoul sstapled on me. But they didn’t expect me to have a ssoul of my own sso two ssoulss own thiss body."
  11. "Sshouldn't it perhapss change everything?" "It wass but alsso not. Only hass it sseemed sso with a meassure of freedom." "Yess sspirit?"
  12. Medea brushes him off. "Don’t interrupt the sstory sspirit or I sshall hurt your friends. Work for you?" Medea's tongue flickered dangerously, "anywayss I wass born through the firess of pain and tortured into what I am now. Barely having any freedom of choice. Ssomething I believe your familiar with having taken it away from sso many people."
  13. Medea shook her head, "your foolish attempts to get me to bite you won't work." "Are you certain? It'ss a long tail."
  14. Medea shook her head, "no. That'ss not the reasson. I doubt you'd undersstand why."
  15. Medea grinned, "well if you liked it sso much then perhapss I sshould jusst let you live out your dayss in it."
  16. "Ssso, you two finally awoke. It'sss been morning for agess now."
  17. Medea pulls Siylna back into her own body and watches. "Are you csertain?"
  18. Thanks Raven I wasn't sure how good it was cuz it was one in the morning.
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