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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The day the Raven fell (Warning: will have blood and is very very sad. Be warry.)
  2. And finally she was placed in Amyra's body. Watched her shatter as she killed her competitor. Watched her strike down Cassian, just a worried little boy. Watched the game makers descend upon the arena. The mental anguish ripped her apart as Amyra was torn between the killer she'd become, Eddie's wish for her to be her child, and then the truest part. The knight Radiant, The Windrunner who she was. Life before death It was about surviving. Strength before weakness It was about growing beyond who she was. Journey before destination It wasn't about when the journey would end but who she would become. Whether it ended with her death or not. Only the choices she made in-between mattered. I will protect those who cannot protect themselves Tears began leaking down her face. I...I have broken my oaths. Not so hummed a gently, kindly voice. Continue we must continue, hummed Aerie. I...I accept that there are those I can not protect. It included herself. Sometimes it meant sacrificing herself instead of her ideals...like she had last time. Oh storms that hurt. It stung and pricked and she wanted to rage and lash out at everyone and everything but...but it would not stop her from hating herself. Large tears dripped for her eyes, staining the ground. And before her eyes a singular rockbud unfolded. It holding great beauty beneath it's rocky skin. Like her, sighed the wind. She had been chosen, had sworn the oaths to become better. And today she was going to complete the journey. Find another more worthy than me next time, Aerie. The spren smiled and sent warmth her way. I could have chosen no one more worth than you, Amyra. Tears flooded from her eyes, faster, more violently. Just remember me please? ... I will. Only one last step One last one to save the boy And reclaim her oaths She took a deep breath, and spoke her fourth ideal. “I accept that sometimes the only way I can protect others is by ending myself." She stabbed herself in the chest with her sword. Her blood running down, the liquid staining the rockbud with a violent beauty. Its petals growing rapidly and beautiful under her blood. "There is beauty in death As it feeds new life And the cycle begins So heroes and villains Rise and fall Nothing lasts for forever So enjoy the time you have And value beauty in all things Especially what you trood underfoot Call it fancy Call it weakness It matters not For it makes us strong" She stared at Cassian one last time and smiled at him in the darkness as the light faded from her eyes. The games were finally over. @Lotus Blossom
  3. "AGAIN," boomed a godly voice and Siylna was thrust into it again and again and again until, she was thrust into the stormlight hunger games. @Edema Rue
  4. Medea only smiled gleefully at him. Quietly Elan jr. appeared above Medea's head. He shook his head dejectedly at his father.
  5. Slowly the nightmare fades and returns Elan to the real world dumping him face first into his cell. "Ssso how wasss that?"
  6. *hugs instead* The rough draft captures the idea and soul and rawness best
  7. Quote

    Somebody stop me... *sobbing* CASSSSYYYYY


    "I DO," cried the Paige and he pulled the plug.

    "Glub glub."

    1. Show previous comments  274 more
    2. shortcake
    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      My cousin in Utah have a cat named oreo!

      That sounds like one amazing kitty!!!

    4. Edema Rue
  8. "NO," boomed God. "YOU MUST SUFFER FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ALL THE CHILDREN." Suddenly Siylna was inside of a tribute, not in control, merely a passenger. The thoughts raced through the scared twelve year old boy and Siylna was forced to feel them as her own. He was terrified. He'd wetted his pants when Eddie had come and taken him. He was terrified. He'd never wanted to kill. He just wanted his mamma and to hug her each day before school and afterwards. To hug her when it got hard. To tussle with his brothers...oh his brothers who he'd never see again. A arrow pierced the boy's side and he cried in relief, pain, and terror. Never again would he get to rest his head on his mamma's lap. Her sweet kindly little boy was gone. Siylna was ejected from the boy and tossed into a 16 year old girl, not far from her own age. She was worried about one of her friends, she'd threatened suicide when she had been picked and so this girl had stepped up to take her place instead. She was terrified but her heart beat with love for her friend, genuine selfless love.
  9. *hugs* The rawness is beautiful shortcake, sometimes unpolished is the best in poems and people
  10. The man sighed and then looked at the sky, "Oh n-" Lightning blasted from the sky and the old man disappeared. A second blast quickly struck Elan, transferring him to another portion of the dream.
  11. The man shrugged, "dunno. Can't remember anything anymore except pain. I'm only ever sane down here." He expertly shuffled the cards and dealt them out. "So do you know how to play Barkley?"
  12. The man smiled, "of course! I've been dying to too! Haven't woken up in...uh a decade or more? Hard to tell time in the real world down here. Could just be asleep for seconds or for months. But that serpentine demon can stretch it in here." Eddie stares at her, eyes not recognizing her. Her eyes rove over all the tributes, pride in her eyes. These were the best of the best, each trained specially by her." The final countdown began "10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1! Good luck my children," she whispered as her hologram clicked off.
  13. *hugs* Poems are the best way I've found to release feelings :).
  14. The man shrugged, "dunno. It’s hard to tell after a few centuries." Her surroundings disappeared and she was in the arena. A figure appeared on the hologram counting down to the start of the games. It was Eddie Forlin.
  15. The man smiled, "your guide through damnation my friend. Where you deserve to be," the man chuckled. "Just like the rest of us."
  16. Medea smiled cruely. "Well then, we'll just have to sspice thingssss up." She lightly scratched a triangle on his forehead and then tapped it, sending him into the realm of nightmares and darkness.
  17. Medea only stares at him, slowly a sly smile forms. His nerves start up again, forced to feel once more.
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