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The Wandering Wizard

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Posts posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. 2 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

    Y'all, if you do a Wingfeather, Dune or Alcatraz hunger games, I will drop everything and join. That's all I'm saying.

    I have suggested Wingfeather so it'll happen...eventually xD

    But it would be so much fun and I want to be both tribute and GM for such a game xDDD

  2. 4 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

    *giggles aggressively* *keeps giggling* Kvothe is one of my favorite characters, like, ever. And I know a lot of people think Kingkiller has too much fancy prose, but...I mean, I got through all of WoT when I was 13 (and loved it too, btw, your member title makes me very happy). The Name of the Wind is probably one of my favorite books of all time.

    Also...I mean, you see my username. I'm a performer, and I love fantasy...if I could be a medieval travelling trouper in that world...yeah, the Edema Ruh are everything I want from life :D 

    What is the Edema Ruh? (please don't kill meeeeeeee baby mod)

  3. 1 minute ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    yeah. i guess we just have to wait till the 22nd. which is *sigh* 8 days. its next Monday. umm could we request it to be moved to sunday the 21st instead.

    Probably not, Panda is... touchy to say the least. She's the rabid scheduling Panda for a reason (and we love all that you do for the games <33)


  4. 1 minute ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

    Another pause. And then Athena inhales and exhales and perfect deep breath. “How was that?”


    Stick had to leave the shard for a week so she'll be back and ready to continue RP on the 18th :))


  5. Just now, Lightweaver2 said:

    Hehe, I love NKG
    Pantheons are tough, the toughest parts of the game in my opinion (other than some of the really crazy stuff)

    Path of Pain and trial of the fool? :P

    Those are the only things I could think of.


    Just now, Lightweaver2 said:

    *realizes I’ve probably played hollow knight way too much*


    Nah there's no such thing :P

  6. 1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:

    Well...that's why it hurts so much now (this probably hurt me way more to write than you to read because I know their full stories). She and Ien dated, they were lovers for a little while... *cries*

    Awwwww nooooo :((((


  7. 1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:



    *hugs back squishily*

    Heehee that would be fun but no...I have other plans for Mari >:3

    Oh my xD


    I wonder what it would have been like if she'd been good and had stayed with Ien. Perhaps she would be married to him instead.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

    Thanks guys!! It means so much that you guys read my lil words ❤️ 

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    I was watching him. It was my job to watch, after all, to notice the things no one else does. His hair was full and blond with gentle curls. And he was so very angry. The dungeons hadn’t been kind to him, that much I could tell at barely a moment’s glance. But they hadn’t broken him. 

    He was chained to the floor, one arm on each side, ankles pulled down so that he was forced to kneel. That was more than enough for any prisoner, but the Lady clearly wanted him humiliated; there was a heavy iron collar around his throat, chaining him to the floor by his neck. She wanted him to feel defeated…why?

    I could rarely make sense of my Lady’s actions, but there were always reasons, usually so many that even I never saw half of them. Subtle and dangerous and perfect…wiser than any Empress, braver than any Queen, and more deadly than any of my assassins. So what did she want from this prisoner? And why did she need him angry to get it?

    He pulled at the chains, then winced. Ah…spikes. That made him a magic user…uncommon, outside our order. I wished I could see his face. Who was this…this boy that my Lady was so interested in? Where had he come from? I saw his jaw clench, and then he pulled again, every muscle flexing…all he succeeded in doing was deepening cuts. I saw the blood dripping from his wrists and neck…and I admired his bravery, amazed at his obvious idiocy. 

    But no…he was neither foolish nor brave. He was just afraid of my Lady. He was desperate to escape her, no matter the consequences…how interesting.

    And then she entered. Liz, the Lady of the Night and the Queen of Death. From my dark corner, I gave her a tiny bow. No one else would even know I was there, but the Lady saw through the deepest of shadows.

    She twitched a finger, and the man’s head snapped up, chain going taught. His hair fell from his eyes, and I nearly gasped. That was…that was…

    “Oh, Ien," my Lady crooned. “We’re back to where we started.”

    “Give her back, Liz,” Ien whispered, voice ragged.

    “Give who back? I don’t know what you’re talking about, old friend.” Her lies were sweet as wine on my tongue, and smooth as honey as she spoke them. I quivered with pleasure.

    “Don’t play games with me,” Ien growled. “Don’t even start, Liz, because someday I will rip every bone from your body and you’ll finally understand what it means to hurt.”

    Her mouth tilted up. “Is that what she would want from you?” Ien was silent. “No…” Liz…was grinning, now. When had I last seen her grin, or even smile? She was playing a part, surely she was… “That’s the piece of you that’s becoming like me.”

    Ien roared, snapping forward only to be pulled back by the chains. They were clearly digging into his flesh, but he didn’t even seem to notice. “I am nothing like you,” he hissed. 

    “Poor dog,” Liz said sweetly, stepping forward neatly and brushing a strand of sweat-soaked hair out of his eyes. “Chained at your mistress’s side…”

    “I’m not your dog,” Ien said coldly. “Not your tool, or your toy, either. I’m King.” Ah…he surely sounded stoic. But I’d spent too long watching people not to see through him…he was trying to convince himself, not her. 

    “And I’m Queen,” Liz’s reply was lightning quick. “Wouldn’t you rather be my king than my dog?”

    “I’m not—” Ien cut off, gasping.

    “You should let me finish talking.” Liz was subtle, threatening…beautiful. Perfectly still. “I have an offer for you, Ien.” Ien’s stare was sharper than the dagger in my hand. He said nothing, taking heaving breaths, blood dripping down his chest and back. “Good boy,” Liz said, dripping with honey. “I’ll give the mouse back to you…but first, I have a few…errands you’ll need to run.”

    There was quiet for a long moment.

    “Am I allowed to talk, now?” Ien asked flatly. Liz didn’t take the bait. He was being petty, and they both knew it. “You call yourself the Queen of Death.” He spat a mouthful of blood and spit at her, splattering her dress. “But you know nothing of what it is to rule. Ask Mari. She understands what it means to be a Queen better than you ever will.” I took a half step forward, furious, but Liz held up a hand, and I fell back. I would obey my Lady to the end.

    Liz let out a quiet breath. “You would sentence your wife and daughter to death, Ien? I thought you were a hero. A king.”

    Ien bowed his head again, chains clinking, and I saw his shoulders trembling. He really was broken…but in a different way than Liz or the rest of us. In a way that made him soft rather than hard, gentle rather than sharp. A hero rather than a villain.

    How precisely my Lady had done her work.

    “You weren’t supposed to know,” Ien whispered.

    “Not know?” Liz laughed. “Have you forgotten that I’m a woman? I knew the second I saw Mari. You'll be a father.”

    “I just want my family back,” Ien breathed. And then, barely audible, “Please. Please, Lizzy. For the friendship we used to have. If you’re still in there…” He looked at her, completely broken. Completely in her power. “You can have the world. Just give me my wife, and let start our family in peace.”

    And just for a moment, I saw Liz’s eyes soften. Back to the person she’d been when I first met her. 

    A dreamer.

    Lost in her own world of blissful fantasies. 

    And then my Queen turned on her heel. “You know how to save them,” she replied. “Uunz…” I stepped out of the shadows at the sound of my name. “Remind him that I am not his friend.” I bowed, spinning my knives and advancing on the wretch who had been a king.


    Out in the hallway, Liz collapsed to the floor, pulling the shadows around her like a comforting blanket. 

    And she cried.

    For the first time in years, she cried.

    She cried for a boy she had loved. For a boy who could have loved her.

    She cried for a life she could have had.

    For a life she’d thrown away in a moment of delusional ecstasy. 

    She cried for a family she would never have.

    And she cried for the monster she had become.

    And then she stood up, Death’s voice in her mind. You will never be loved…this path is one of pain and hatred and regret…if there is anyone you care for, you’d best forget them now.

    And Liz let her heart turn back to stone. 

    And she started to plan.

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    Ah, I love Liz. And Ien. And all of them. I've been struggling to write Ien, so I skipped far far far ahead (this scene probably won't be in a full draft if I can ever write one, since it's mostly in 1st person) (also it's the perspective of a very minor character) but I had a lot of fun writing it!! As always, I'd love thoughts and/or suggestions!



    *hugs hugs hugs fiercly and doesn't let go*

    hehe I honestly though the servant was Mari cuz she'd taken her mind or something or changed what she thought... :ph34r:

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