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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Medea only grinned and intensified the pain, watching with a sadistic pleasure as he began bleeding.
  2. Medea cackled and raised the pain even higher, making it feel like Elan's skin was melting off but it wasn't. "How do you like that, traitor?"
  3. "Let'ss ssee," mused Medea to herself. "Yesss, yesss that sshould do it." She grins her fanged grin and doubles the pain for Elan.
  4. Medea smiled and locked up the muscles in his arms to test the potency of her venom.
  5. Medea doesn't even stare at her, seeming to be completely engrossed in torturing Elan and Siylna.
  6. Medea's grin turns sadistic. "Why my dear Elan. Once it overcomess and conssumess the antivenom it will be sstronger than ever. Perhapss," her tongue flickers at Siylna collapsed on the floor. "Worsse than herssssss."
  7. Medea sighs, it had been a long shot to envenomate him there. She grabbed his arm and sunk her fangs into his flesh, envenomating him.
  8. Medea cruely grinned. "Time for you to be truly inssane." She grabbed Elan by the throat and bit him on his nose. "Now it beginsssss!!" Medea begins laughing madly, a glint in her eyes.
  9. "Not me," hissed Medea. Reminding them of her presence there. Her eyes gleamed and she grinned, fangs glistening. "It'ss your turn now Elan."
  10. Medea grinned, "we sshall ssee. Goodnight Ssiylna. Ssleep for now." She tapped Siylna on her forehead, drawing a little blood and sending her into a land of nightmares and torture.
  11. Medea laughed at that, a scaley, raspy sound, raking along the corridors. "Pet, you don't even know an inkling of what I can do!"
  12. Medea reached out one clawed finger and gently caressed Siylna's chin. A violent fire flickered behind her eyes as she looked over Siylna and softly rasped. "Yess my pet. It issss art and I will turn you into a masssterpiece! "
  13. Medea's smiled deepened, "it isssss art isssn't it, dear Sssssylna."
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